I am sorry for some of the pictures causing you to levitate on your side for proper viewing, but this computer gal just ain't got what it takes to rotate a picture from another program other than my Nikon one. So forgive me, but have fun being sideways for a brief moment.
This is the side view of the veranda. This, I think, will be by far my favorite part of the house. Or maybe the kitchen - not!!!!!!! ha ha. Anyway, the wind just flows through the porch as your a rocking on the swing. It is lovely!!! 

This picture is what I call our in home bowling alley. It is a really long family/living room. We are down to the last layer of wallpaper. I think it will be one of my favorite rooms. 

If you turn your head sideways for a minute you can see that this is our dining room. I have been so excited to get in that I went ahead and put up my valences. It just gives me a peaceful feeling! That is the original pewter chandelier and french doors. 

Sorry - still sideways. This is the kitchen we have gutted. That is my hubby and his dad in the background. I bet they have lost 10 pounds a piece ripping, tearing, grunting, and slamming. The original blue prints of which we have been given say that there are pine floors underneath the terrible linoleum. We shall see..........and see if they are even usable! 

This is a front view of the house. All the houses on the street are old and fixed up or with great potential. I can't wait to walk in and it be done. Real blood and sweat going on here - so far no tears! I am sure that will come too!

This big old house only has 1.5 bathrooms. This is the 1 full bath. We hope to add another. We were excited to pull up the carpet and see tile!! Yeah! We are going to keep the original cast iron tub. No claws feet, but still pretty cool.

Yikes - this is the master bedroom suite. Very large room, but too blue for me. I am not sure if you can tell, but it is really royal blue. We hope to put another bathroom in the very back.

Oops - one more sideways..... This is the grand staircase. There was a slow leak in the 1970's that cause the plaster wall to become pregnant. So we just pushed our hand through the plaster.... it will have to be drywalled. I keep waiting for a mouse or worse to crawl out. I should be positive and think that money may pour out any time!

Thanks for looking at the house with me. I will share more pictures as we go. We are only the third owner since 1929. It took 2 years to build it and hopefully it won't take that long to rebuild. Oh Lord help us!! It is a blessing and something Clay and I never thought we could endure.................we have only just begun!!

OH GIRL! I am LOVING it! It's so beautiful! The French doors and the wood flooring and the staircase - steal my breathe away why don't you! (Or was it the contortion of my neck?). Just kidding...heeh! Thanks for the pics!
OHHHH, How exciting!! I love it, Leigh...I can't wait to see you in it. Praying for your details, Sister
With love,
Oh my goodness what a GORGEOUS house!! It's always been my dream to own an older house like that. How beautiful! And pine floors! Wow! I will definatly pray those are usable. :) Nice nice nice, thanks for sharing the pics with us. :)
What a fantastic house this is going to be for you and your family to fill with sweet memories! I love older houses..! Thanks for sharing with us.
OH GIRL! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! I told you how I grew up in a REALLY OLD house and those are some of the best memories of my life. I remember playing in my room and day-dreaming about what went out back in the "day" and acting out how I thought things were back then. TOO FUNNY! I can see my sweet SJ doing the same!
Can't wait to see more or better yet, come see the final product in person! CONGRATS and God is good girl! He just LOVES showin' off!
Your new home is gorgeous!!! I'm excited to keep updated on all your renovations.
Thanks for sharing these pics! i love old houses too! I look forward to seeing the renovated version too! It is funny--the other night I had my husband drive me around town to look at old houses. (He thought I was a bit weird, but I just wanted to see them.) I pray your project will go smoothly.
Blessings in Christ--
oh it's just beautiful! This southern girl has a thing for verandas lol. It may be a fixer upper but it's definitely a keeper!
Wow what a job.
It is going to be so great when you
get it finished.
What memories you will create in this house.
Leigh - Oh wow!!! I love the pictures. Please keep posting them. I am so impressed with Clay and his dad. I can close my eyes and invision how glorious it is going to be. I love it!!!
I love your new home. It is so beautiful!
Leigh -
As I was looking at the pictures, I couldn't help but envision it decorated for Christmas. I love the holiday so much that I start decorating the first weekend of Nov. and I put a Christmas tree in almost every room. Southern Living's Idea Books are loaded with great inexpensive ideas. I just received their Christmas edition and it is fantastic. Keep posting your progress....I will be blogging again soon. Promise.
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