Wednesday, February 13, 2008

541 - Dear Donald - update

Remember the blogpost I wrote to Donald - the guy that did my nails. Well, I have never heard from him and could not reach again after calling the nail place multiple times. So I begin to think - Oh man, Lord - what will ever if anything come of it.... Then I get this email. I do not post this to give myself any kudos or anyhting like that - It is about Him!!! But I want to use this to encourage you or whomever that nothing done for His Name and glory will ever go to waste!!! He will always be lifted up in some way when we seek to lift Him up and seek His face!!

A few weeks back I received like many others an email to write a little note to a boy I didn't even know because you had met him in a nail salon and you wanted to share Christ love with him. You had such a passion for Christ that I know not only touched his life but also touched mine more than you will know. I began to consistently read your blog just to see what it was about since I had no idea how you got my email. I don't know you from Adam as they say in the south. Anyway, after reading God began to speak to me through your blog, a friend's blog, and His word over and over on the same subjects. Needless to say my life has had some major changes in it and continues to have them. I want to thank you for that one small step outward that you made to share Christ to a stranger that day. You have been an encouragement and continue to be a support without even knowing it.

So I am off to Alaska!! Be back late Sunday. Have a wonderful weekend and please be praying for this weekend conference. I am expecting wonderful blessings. Praise Him!


Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

Love your heart for God and His Word! I was thinking about Donald today cause I decided to read Mere Christianity and prayed for him just today again that He would seek to find truth. That book has been so eye opening to me...opening the eyes of my heart Eph 3:17. Hope your weekend is full of Psalm 81:10---God opeinng your mouth and filling it with Himself. Bev

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Wow Bev - thanks for stopping by and taking the itme to read this post. I covet your prayers!! Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

Love, Leigh

Karen Hossink said...

Yeah, I was thinking about Donald today, too! Whether you ever have contact with him again, or not, I trust God's word through you to Donald will not be in vain.
I have been doing a little "catch-up" reading here. The house pictures are great. Isn't progress a wonderful thing?
Praying for you while you're in Alaska. BRRRRR! *grin*

Anonymous said...

Good on ya, Leigh! Never know how God will use us in His service, but it's awesome to see it in action!

Kyle Taylor said...

Hi! I found your blog via Jennyhope's blog. I just thought I would leave you a comment and say hi before I left. My sister-in-law, Corrie Clay, also has a ministry, Filling the Gap Ministries. It is always cool to meet other people who are also in speaking ministries like her. I have enjoyed reading your blog!

eph2810 said...

Wow - that is so awesome :) I guess God knew the email address needed to get your email :)....The other day I was wondering what had happened to Donald. Well, maybe God just took a hold of Donald :) - I know He did.
I hope you had a fantastic trip to Alaska.
(((hugs))) and blessings,
<>< Iris

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

I prayed for you girl!! I hope all is well and I can't wait to hear/read all about it!!

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Karen - progress is good, but just ot fast enough. Isn't it always that way with females... ha ha!! Keep praying for Donald!

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Hey Eddie - I don't recognize your blog? Do I "know" you at least in blogland? Thanks for stopping by and keep praying for DOnald. Leigh

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Katie - thanks for stopping by. Feel free to leave a comment any time. I went to your sister in laws blog and ministry site - looks great!! Thanks for letting me know of another sister to lift up to the Lord as we all minister together! Thanks and talk soon, Leigh

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Nicki - i am back and just posted all about it. Now i need a week off to recover. I am slap worn to a frazzle!! love you and thank you so much for your prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! leigh