Friday, April 18, 2008

574 - Shaking - get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am still shaken - so much that I don't have much to say. We are 40 miles from the center of the quake - or whatever you call it. It was 5.4 on the Ritcher scale. It was a bit before 5am - 4:30 or something. We were totally shaken out of the bed and could hardly walk, i mean run, to get the kids out... We went outside to see if anyone else cared. Neighbors doing the same thing.

Thoughts - I am so out of control and my God is so big. His hands just shook my world... He is so big and massive. My awe increased exponentially today. He is my Protector and my Judge! He is on control and I will listen... Reverence and awe are ruling my heart. He is great! I will praise!

I could not go back to sleep and was terrified to hear anything even close to that rumbling deep shaking sound. My heart is still pounding out of shirt. Kids don't want to go to school - homeschooling does now sound a bit better. Picking up things that were shifted and fallen...

Going to speak tonight closer to that "center" area, I think. Please pray...

Please pray for my kids - Emmajoy is really having a tough time. Storms and things such as this have made a left turn in her life and have become quite a fear. Thank you!!!

I can not believe how many emails i have already received from you all asking if we are ok - wow, thank you! We will be time... wow - this is much!

At that very hour there was a severe earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.

Rev. 11:13


ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Oh Leigh!! I can't believe that! I haven't had the news on this morning!! PRAYING for you all! I can't imagine how scary that was!!

fuzzytop said...

Praying for you and those affected.

Love and hugs,

Tisha said...

Hey - I woke up this morning and saw the news and asked Kent how close that was to you since he used to live in Illinois. He said he wasn't sure. WOW! I can't believe you were so close. How scary! I am glad you are all ok!!! We will be praying for the Lord to clam your fears!!

Love you!!

Anonymous said...

OH MY! Leigh...your words have left me shaking..praying for you and going to get the news....
Braden, TN

ocean mommy said...

Praising the Lord you are all safe. I will pray tonight as you speak. I'm asking Him to settle your spirit and fill you up to overflowing with the words those ladies need to hear tonight!


Holly said...

Glad you are safe...continuing to pray! for tonight and for your family and you!

Funny thing, Tabor's story in his Beginner's Bible today? The earthquake that shook the prison :) Perhaps there are some bars He wanted to shake loose in the families around you? Praying for opportunities to tell them about the One who set you free!

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

nicki - thank you for praying... hey - you need any help with She Speaks? Let me know - thanks

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Adrienne - do you still need that ticket to Beth Moore in Louisville? Let me know - thanks

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

tisha - thanks for the concern. we had another one (4.2) while the kids were at school. I think it was actually good for them to be away from us to "learn" to survive... i know that sounds weird, but they are much stronger coming home than when they left...
He is faithful!! love you miss you - Leigh

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

teresa - did you feel anything? I would think you might have... some in nashville even felt it... take cover and Keep His cover!! Love, Leigh

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Steph and Holly - wow thank you!! What a thoughtful thought about Paul and the earthquake... I will post about the evening later... love you all - Leigh

Fran said...

I'm so glad you are ok Leigh. I've been sick with the flu but wanted to say hello and let you know that you were 1st on my list of worries.

Peace tonight as you speak.

Leah Adams said...


When i read about the quake last night i thought of you but couldn't get to a computer WITH internet svc until this morning. I'm so glad ya'll are ok. Praying for all of you.


Anonymous said...

Holy Cow. I can't believe I didn't hear about this on the news. Be careful out there.

Valarie said...

Let me just tell you that I KNEW you were ok. The minute I heard about it I just prayed and knew it was gonna be fine. Now I'm prayin' for that precious girl of yours. Give her Ps 4:8 "I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Works for my kids every time.

So good to see the affirmation that all is well and I can't wait to see how He shook you up to speak! LOVE it!!

Love you too girl.

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

So glad you all are okay!! I heard about this but didn't realize how close you were...

Praying your speaking was Holy Spirit energized!!

Psalm 62:2 "He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken."

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Praying for your safety and for God to still your shaky heart

Lindsee said...


I heard about this Friday morning but didn't realize y'all were so close! How scary. I too would not have gone back to sleep. Thanks for sharing! Keep us updated on how y'all are! Did you go speak?


P.S. About the post below...WOW, girl! He is so good to you. I am so happy that you have an example to follow!

Lindsee Lou said...

Okay, so now I hear an aftershock happened. Y'all okay?

Valarie said...

Hey chickie! Just wondering how things went this weekend. Hope all is well. Keep me posted!

Shonda said...

Glad to hear all is well. I look forward to hearing how it went this past weekend.
Blessings in Christ-