Friday, December 05, 2008

665 - Getting sideways with the peeps!


Sunny Shell said...

Hey sister Leigh!

This is my first time here. Got here through CWO and I'm soooo delighted the Lord brought me here!

Sister girl, you have so spoken on one of my heart's greatest desires, unity in the Body! One of my all time favs is John 13:34-35.

We completely demolish our witness of Christ's salvation for sinners souls when we behave like or worse than the world. If we can't get along with those we are supposed to be united in Christ with, than how in the world do we expect to share the Gospel message of God's ultimate reconciliation - through faith in Jesus alone, when we have so much in-fighting?

I praise God for the message He gave you to share with us today! I LOVE your passion to bring the greatest glory to God!

Bless you dear sister,

Robin said...

Found you through CWO and really enjoy the blog. My main Blog "Blessings and Struggles of Single Moms" is where I bleed my heart out for God. I hope you can stop by and check it out too. Looking forward to putting you on my blog roll. God bless you! robin

Carolina Mama said...

Hey Girl, Thanks for this word up today. Love the Romans 15 verses. Awesome and much appreciated here.

Fran said...

So passing this along to a siesta who needs this verse more than ever!!! Thanks Leigh.

Hope you are feeling better. I got the stupid cold that makes me want to go to bed at 6:30.

Love ya,