Thursday, January 19, 2006

Meet My Jesus

I heard a speaker say last night at the Leadership conference that "everyone that came in contact with Jesus was always changed". The first one to come to mind was the woman at the well. She was changed dramatically. The hard thing I think would have been for is for others to believe her change had occur, but more than that for them to forget her past and not hold on to it.

I woke up this morning still thinking about that statement. So I went to my Bible and look briefly in the Gospels at others that left changed just because of even a brief encounter with Jesus. I came to John 9 - Jesus healing the blind man. First of all this man had always been blind and the disciples were asking if it was his sin or his parents that made him blind. That is an interesting question and a very valid one for those days. They had very little medicine, etc. If something was wrong if had to have been someone's fault. But don't we do the same thing today. I will see a friend going through a terrible time of job loss, or infertility, or money struggles, or depression, or something and very quickly maybe not immediatley decide there must be sin in their lives. That should not be!! I am not one to judge - or shouldn't be - and let's hear what God says about this - His answer to the disciples.

"No it wasn't his sin or his parents, it was so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." vs. 3 Are you not just blown away by that statement??? It was so God's purpose and glory could be seen. WOW - things in my life could be rough and tough and confusing and hard and even fun and happy and enjoyable are ultimately there so that others can see His glory and the work He has performed!! Not so they can see me, not so they can pat me on the back, not so they can hear me tell about my good deeds, not so that I can make others feel pressure by their lack of God's presence (ooh that one hurts), but so that His glory can be seen and His work displayed!!! What a new and great perspective!!

Father, 2 things:
1) I hope that every person I come in contact with - even those terrible tellemarketers or pushy sales people - will leave after being around me changed not by me, but the Jesus they find in me!! I want people that I am engaged with and even those that I just happen upon for a short time to leave after being with me encouraged by Jesus in me!!
2) I want others to see Him working in my life and His glory displayed and all His great works. I am a great work of His as is every believer!! Let me see your glory!!! Let me see your works!!

Thank you for today and thank you for all you are speaking in my life. If this is never read by one other I pray I can remember all that you have taught me and be able to recite those verses in time of need. I know Your Word never returns void, and please allow me to not be void because I may have failed to live in your Spirit that day or return to your word daily. Fill me today and allow me to hear you and respond with obedience. Yesterday was a Victory Day for the stronghold!! Let's do it again today!!

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