Monday, March 20, 2006

I'm Off!

Dear Lord, I am just about to walk out the door to go to Blacksburg, Virginia today. It is an early day and I feel bad to have to wake up my 2 smallest to go with me today, but duty calls. They will get a McDonald's hashbrown and be fine! Thank you for this opportunity and thank you for your safety! I praise you Lord!

Lord Jesus, I went to hear Gwen Smith at a concert last night and she was wonderful! She is gorgeous and just incredible! I love her heart for you and I loved her voice! She is so gifted and just awesome, and the cutest thing in the world ever. She has the whole package! She lifts her praise to the Lord and you do not even have to question her motives. It is so pure and completely humble! I was so impressed.

I got to go with Valarie last night and it was wonderful! She is a really supportive friend of mine and you have just made her into such a wonderful awesome woman of You! I loved the way she controlled her tongue and did not allow a conversation turn where Satan might have wanted it to! It was a great evening with a beautiful friend, wonderful worship, and no kids!! hee hee!

Yesterday James from the college ministry encouraged us to ask the question, "what could I do less of and spend more time praying?" Lord, how would you answer that for me? Less time on the computer, less time watching TV, less time eating with friends, less time in the car, less time exercising, less time... Lord, you show me what it is that I could spend less time doing and more time praying!

Our church is having a huge prayer emphasis and so in SS and Big Church we are discussing prayer. Clay gave such a wonderful "sermon" yesterday in SS class. He has a way of making people open up and really share their hearts. One guy even mentioned how he really had not been able to pray since the passing of Gary and Kathy. That was a good year or even 2 ago and his prayers are still hindered. That took a lot of guts to admit, but now we know how to pray for Him throughout this emphasis and on into it! Clay is truly gifted and I know respected in our class. He makes me so proud! Continue to bless Him.

OK - Lord, well, I'm off! I need to go wake up the girls and change their clothes and put them in the their cars seats asleep! Well, on second thought, I will keep them in their PJ's. Please fill me and allow me to speak boldly. I am going to a very evangelistic MOPs group which is rare! They had even asked me to share the gospel! WOW! Very rare! Be strong in me today Lord!!

I love you!

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