Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Count Down

Oh Lord, there are only days left until I leave for the cruise. Am I ready? I think I have all the clothes that I will need including a formal, but I am not as thin as I was wanting. Ready for my excuse.... Clay has been traveling so much so it has been really hard to get out early and do it consistently. Yeah, right - blame him! He has been gone a ton, but if I wanted to make a way I could have done it.

The kids and I surprisingly went to the beach for a few days to meet Clay there. It was just going to be Clay and his dad and friends fishing, but one had to cancel at the last minute so Clay asked me to come on down wit the kids at the last minute. It was fun to get away with the kids and get some sunshine! SJ got too much sun! Her skin is so fair!

Lord, I really am excited to get away on this cruise. There are so many things swirling in my mind and decisions I need to stick with out of obedience to You! I want to make sure I spend lots of time with you on the cruise. I hope our schedule is not so planned out that we can not even do our own thing. I want to just sit with you and actually read a book without having to look up and count heads every few seconds. I am sure I will miss that kind of thing, but it will be fun for the first few days.

Lord, I "had me some church" on the way to the beach listening to Beth More tapes on Women of Wisdom. There were a lot of things that spoke to me and I pray my prayers were real in the car driving 70 MPH while kids were literally screaming over her! It was wild to even hear anything, but I know You were in the car with us! Your presence was so strong!

I need insight, knowledge, and wisdom on 2 very important issues right now. I need a word from You. Our Nashville situation and the speaking ministry that you have for me. I need to know things that I could never know. I need to believe even when it doesn't make sense. I need to stand strong and let it go. I hand all of it over to You and just ask that You give me understanding and wisdom on which steps to take. I want to walk in faith! I will walk in faith so please direct my steps, one by one!

The sweet tendering you have done of my heart is just precious. I pray you keep changing me! I want pure motives, I want honest intentions, I want........... a Christ - like heart of gold! I want a servant's heart, I want a God's glory only kind of life!! Can you ever do that kind of work in me? Can you ever make me more like you and can I stay that way? It seems like such a long way to go to ever even get close. I am not even talking about perfection, I am talking about usable! A miracle - that is what I want in my life. A do-over, a make-over, a reborn, a new Leigh! I know it can only be done with and through you! And Lord, don't ever let me know if i even get a bit closer to looking like You. Then the flesh in me might back off. Keep my heart ever pressing towatrds You and longing more for You.

Be with my brother today as he goes in for surgery on his wrists. He broke them after falling out of a tree where he was building a treehouse for his kids and neighbors. What a super-dad! He goes in for surgery at 8:30am, so I am sure he is arriving at the hospital about right now. Lord, keep him safe and give him a speedy recovery!

I love you, my Lord!! Thank you for all the change going on in my life. Hard, but always good! Instruct Clay on decisions and be very loud and clear!!! Give Him boldness to respond! Amen.

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