Thursday, June 15, 2006

My Favorite things

Oh Lord, you have some exciting things going on and I just don't know where to begin. First of all, the Bible study that I lead on Wednesday nights with the singles girls is just awesome. We are doing a study called "What's the Bible Say About". Each week we choose some interesting topics and see what You have to say about it and then compare that to what our opinions have been throughout the years. Sometimes it is very interesting and different. But it allows us to go back to You and confess those ideas and opinion that do not line up with your righteousness. I love it. The girls have come prepared and we have had great discussions!!! Love it!!

Then my sister in Christ, Valarie, called me on the way home from WV with a revelation from the Lord. The Lord led her to the getting 12 churches to commit to the Nehemiah Mission - getting ladies together once a month or every other month for fellowship, worship, and encouragement... Just like He started out with 12 disciples. This is great how You have not let this passion/mission die in her heart. I am so pumped. I feel like we have a goal to work towards and even a plan to pursue. Now we need for you to reveal the churches we contact and the leaders to team up with on the project!! Oh I am pumped!!! Guide us Lord!! Be glorified as your church gathers in one accord to lift You up!!

I have started my study on Micah. I feel like that is where you are leading me right now to write my next retreat material and single talks as well. I am focusing on Micah 6:8, but need to understand the vast amount of the book before it all can come together! I thought this morning was interesting. In the beginning of chapter 3 the Lord is calling the people on the carpet because the LEADERS are doing terrible sins to their people and against the Lord, but then asking for Him to bless their lives and fix their mess-ups. "They had the gall to cry out to the Lord when they found themselves in trouble" so says my commentary. Oh Lord, keep me from that kind of sin. Leading others in my own strength and then having the gall to ask you to fix it and take over when I botch everything up. Oh goodness - I know I have been there before.

I want to rely on you and I want to rest in you. Lord Jesus, maker of all even my very thoughts, guide me in your ways and in your path. Take my hand and handcuff me to you. I do not want to get far from you - oh please oh please! I see in that same passage, Micah 3:4, where you hide your face from those in such sin. Keep my sin before me and with an attitude of repentance...

Be proud of me only because of Your blood! I love you!

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