Thursday, September 06, 2007

426 - Whip Me Up Some Wool and Flax

Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, oooooooouuuuuuuuccccccchhhhhhhhhh - my calves are so sore I can hardly walk!!!! I was pretty good yesterday, but boy did it settle in today. Ouch, ouch, ouch!! This is a good thing I will tell myself and the other ladies!!! Right now I want to lift up my friend that is trying to quit smoking! Oh Lord, empower her, strengthen her, extinguish all her cravings, help her to seek You first instead of anything else including smoking - Thank you for the success she will have because of You!! We praise you, Lord - thank you!!!

Anyone reading - I posted my schedule last night for the next 2 months if you don't mind praying for me. Thank you thank you thank you!

I have raised pretty independent kids - or at least i think so. BUT my baby Elleigh, almost 4, loves to be the baby and will not let anyone forget that! She WOKE up crying yesterday saying she did not want to go to school anymore (after 1 day) and wanted to stay with me all day. I have never had a child want to do this.................they like to be with other kids and in school! It broke my heart and just about sent me to the floor in a puddle. Nothing will make me question anything more than my babies longing to hang more with momma!! Oh it hurt!!! Jesus, please let her get used to this change and not just accept, but love school and this new phase of life!! I need Your reassurance she is going to be ok and going to deal fine. I know she will, but I need Your confidence! Oh Lord, do a work in her, but thank you that she does miss me!!

"She selects wool and flax and works eager with her hands." Prov. 31: 13

Oh goodness this verse is going to be a tough one. I do not know really how to sew on a button and certainly not the first thing about picking out "me" some flax and wool. Wool makes me want to itch and I thought flax was a seed you put in your salad, but had to throw it away quickly or it goes bad or something like that. Maybe that is another seed. Anyway, I am not into sewing. I tried to be, but really found not too much joy. Might have something to do with having to make 3 little dresses instead of just one. My farmer "friend like mom", Nancy, must be disgusted with me. ha ha! I am trying, really I am!! Here is the breakdown:

works - "asah" - to do, to work, make, create, accomplish, prepare, to obey, offer, sacrifice!! Ok, I was hoping this works meant that she just works with little thought. Well, in today's time, very few of us are actually selecting the wool and then doing the deal that makes it usable for a coat. But we do have to go to the store and choose something that is going to last, well built, good workmanship, something to be proud to wear, etc. That does take time and energy - it can be work especially if you are not a shopper! This "asah" also implies an ethical obligation. We have an ethical obligation to our husband and family to provide, but select the best we can afford for our family. He is counting on us to take care of those things! It might be a sacrifice. I know many times a mom will have to forgo her own clothes to get the kids the 5th new pair of shoes in one year because they stinkin grow so fast!!! (I am considering putting those feet grower stoppers that the Chinese used long, long ago to make his feet stop growing.) JK!!!

Eager - "hepes" - to delight in, to be pleased with, pleasure, desire, etc. When you are working with your hands to make sure you are selecting the right things for your family and loved ones, it might take a sacrifice and seem like work. But this verse is not just implying, but stating that this "work" is to be a pleasure and delightful. Let me be honest, there are some things like laundry that i do not find much of any pleasure in at all. This verse is encouraging us to do all things even those we don't like in a way that makes it more of delight. I put on some good worship music when folding the 17th load! I will time myself (yes, like a kid) and see how fast i can load the dishwasher. Anything to make it more of a joy!! My family is my number one priority and the things that i do for them are to be something I want to do eagerly. Oh Lord, many of those cleaning kind of things and cooking things are not things i want to do eagerly. Change me Father - give me more of a passion to do those things! It is a win-win for all parties!! AND it glorifies YOU!!!

hands - "kap" - hand, palm, foot, sole, pan. This basically means that she uses anything possible to do her wise selecting and eager working!! Oh Lord, I have to admit this is one of those verses that I kind of walk away wondering what in the world did you make me a woman for? I am not good working with my hands, my heart is not right when it comes to working with them, and I am not sure I want to enjoy working with my hands. But I know You are speaking to my heart and saying, "Leigh, don't seek perfection. I am looking for a pure heart, honest heart, and moldable heart. I want you to desire the things I want for you. Let me do the changing instead of you trying to just do "it"." Oh Jesus, I hear you!!! Forgive me for wanting to throw in the towel if i can do it just right. Forgive me for not wanting to try many things. Forgive me for not trusting You to develop my heart to be more like You want. Forgive me for the times I just had rather give up. Lord, thank you for helping me to keep things in order and looking half way decent. Thank you for giving me a beautiful old/new home to "work" with. I am eager for that to be done! Lord, change me - make me more like you especially when it come to my family!!!

I have so much to do before I leave on Friday morning! Guide my steps, order my things to do list, and multiply my time!!! Thank you Lord. Off to do things eagerly!!! I love you!!!


ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Love your heart today.....and I guess I never thought about it, but my girl's are VERY eager to leave BYE see ya!!! So, it will be intereasting to see if the Kennyboo will be like the Elleighboo. =)

ocean mommy said...

Praying for your weekend!

Anticipating HIM

jennyhope said...

so are you opening for beth?

Kim said...

Praying for all of your speaking engagements - and for your baby Elleigh too!