Monday, April 21, 2008

575 - Got Joy? - post is one day late.

Hey Ya'll - thank you for the overwhelming concern and all for us. We had just gotten ourselves back to "normal" and not so frightened by every low roaring sound when we got hit again last night. The quake last night lasted forever. It woke us up and kept going for a good 1 minute or so... The noise is so terrible. I don't really know how to describe it. Clay and I have never been described as small people and the quakes have made us look like popcorn in a microwave bag popping. It just tossed up to and fro. It is very, very unnerving!! Kids did not wake up this time. I have not been on the news to see how big it was. And I don't know if it was an aftershock from the first one on Friday morning. Ugh - this is surreal. Update - it was 4.5!!! aftershock!

My event on Friday night was awesome. It was a nice size as there were probably a couple hundred there. It was neat for a small town and relatively small church. I spoke on the blessings of God after saying Yes to Him. It went over really well and the Spirit was very strong in fragrance that evening. I have received many Myspace messages and Facebook additions as a result from the evening. Facebook is a new thing for me and I like it much better than Myspace. It was so neat to recount to everyone there - since they all experienced it first hand that very morning - the privilege we had just had to experience the power, strength, and control the Lord had on our world. Being in an earthquake just put me in complete awe of God's power and massiveness. But then being able to remind everyone He who shakes the world with His two fingers wants to live inside your heart and be your personal Lord and Savior. It was quite an evening. Thank you for your prayers. *********Emmajoy, my 8 year old, did a fabulous job on her solo. I hope to have it up and viewable in the near future. UGH! Hopefully I can find some good help.

I wish I could describe the earthquake, but I also wish I could explain how well my preacher did yesterday. I have so many things going on in my mind and I just totally discombobulated to say the least. I have almost finished the book the Barbarian Way. Oh my!!! You have got to get it and read it - word for word!!! Incredible. It is about doing things in Christianity that are against the flow. Being in the center of God's will may look more like an earthquake rather than a peaceful lake. Oh you just have to get the book. I have to say that doing ministry the way Speaking Thru Me is trying to is very much a Barbarian Way - no fees, relying on the Lord, no big names, just little ole us and God Almighty Lord Jesus!! It is Barbaric! It is the Lord.

"The angel of the Lord said to them, 'Don't be afraid for look, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all people.'" Luke 2:10

Pastor Luke from the First Baptist Church in Carmi preached yesterday about Revolutionary Living. I mean he was smokin' it was soo good. One of the things he brought home was how the Joy of Jesus was such a scandal. Jesus was not the humdrum figure we see portrayed on TV. Yes, Jesus did have those justified moments of holy anger, but for the most part my Jesus was joyful and always willing to bring others up by his demeanor and attitude. He did not just have joy, He WAS joy!

As I travel across the nation I am amazed at the number of Christians I see that appear to have no joy about them. I am compelled to speak with them hoping to find out that my assumption is wrong and that I have just interpreted their face and actions incorrectly. Sadly to report my assumptions are correct. They are very displeased with many, many things and can find nothing to smile about let alone talk positively about. I certainly have my days when a sour attitude takes over my demeanor and I can find not one thing to be joyful about. I am not immune!

But I am quickly reminded by the Holy Spirit that my hope and JOY is in the Lord. My circumstances will so often not be something to be joyful about, but there is joy in the Lord! Remember what James implores us to do in chapter 1 of the book of James. 2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. I don't know about you, but that is really a tall order. That verse and request right there is a tough job to consider let alone complete. But that was part of the scandal of Jesus' joy. He was joyful in all circumstances and commands us to do the same. He may not directly say be joyful when miscarrying (or whatever trial you have experienced) as I have done before, but Jesus encourages us that we can find joy in Him during and certainly after the situation. And I might add that if you are able to find joy during and after a trial, you have just experienced the Living Holy Spirit acting in your life in a way that humanly we are not able. It is the Barbaric Way!

Finally the scripture at the top is when the angel came to the shepherds to proclaim the good news about the birth of the Savior. Ordinary people God chose to tell first! The angel says he is telling of the "good news of great joy". It was good news, but it was great joy. The coming of our Savior was good news, the best news, but our Savior WAS the great JOY. As believers in the good news that is great joy. But that great joy is not a circumstance or a thing that resides within our hearts. He is the great Joy. That is why it is possible to have joy in the midst of trials and terrible situations - the great Joy lives within us - He is already there. We do not have to muster up the Joy - it is already there!! Because He lives (in my heart and life) I can face tomorrow!!!

Mother's Day is right around the corner - I will be posting some pictures of some purses you might be interested in. There are no shipping fees this time. Now until Mother's day!! I will also be posting pictures of my new town and the incredibly cute houses here. Lots to come. Lots of updates for Speaking Thru me to come as well. My oh my what God is doing!!!! I have another engagement this weekend that must come first in priority, but hopefully i can get all this done.............soon!!!


Holly said...

Can't wait to read and see!

HalleluYah for what God is doing, is going to do, in and around and through you, Leigh!!

PS I've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart. Where?

Lisa said...

Hey girl!

So glad to hear you are reading McManus. What did I tell you? Does that book rock your world, or what? Man. Such good, good stuff!

Glad to hear you are filled with joy despite the shakin' you have had going on lately. It sure does sound like the shake-up He's done in your life and ministry lately, huh? Lots of cool parrellels.

Lisa :)

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Wow.....another one?? I haven't had the news on so I haven't heard that. I'm so sorry! I can't imagine how scary that must have been. WOW. I'm glad you are ok though!!!

Praying for you and all that is to come! I'd love some pointers for she speaks whenever things slow down for you! Love ya!

Anonymous said...


I tried to give you a buzz today because I wanted to check on you, but I just had so much to tell you! Haven't had time to blog about it much, but Holly and I had a great time talking and praying this afternoon. Sometimes when you have a moment like that you just want to do it again -- and I wanted to share it with you! :)

Anyway, I'm so excited about the event this past weekend. What a privilege to speak life into women from every imaginable walk of life!

I miss you, girl! I sure wish I were going to see you at a LPL or Deeper Still event, but I know the party will be great in TX. Man...I'm so stinkin' sorry I can't be there!!!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

I didn't hear about the quake at all for some crazy reason.