Wednesday, May 27, 2009

729 - Whole Heart Faith - Week 4?

Good morning everyone - hope you are doing well.  I am just a little exhausted right now - just got in from running.  It was a slow slow slow run - I mean really slow.  My running partner didn't come and my feet were tired from yesterday.  Those 2 together make for a slow morning.  At least no one drove by telling me to hurry it up - don't pass many at 5am!  

Even though I don't feel like the weight is dropping like flies I do feel other changes in my body that I choose not to forget!  I do have more energy during the day.  I love the fact that I am saving nearly $2 every time I go out to eat from not drinking cokes, etc.  I do feel more toned and just a much better sense of accomplishment and satisfaction with self.  Please don't hear self-gloating, I am just saying it feels good to know I was able to get my lazy self out of the bed and complete a task - a challenging one at that!  And without hiring anyone to get me there or make me do...  

Whole heart faith has been going well, but I don't think about that actual heart part of it near enough.  I need to print out some of the "logos" and stick them around the house.  That will cause me to think more!  I want to think Whole Heart Faith in all situations - not just this idol!  
Part of back to the basics emphasis that God has been whispering to me has me in another very familiar scripture.  Proverbs 3:5- 6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."  A verse that most are very familiar with and even have to memory.  

I think to those that have taught me in the past and remember a concentration on the first 2 parts of that verse - the "trust in the Lord and lean not".  I feel the Lord telling me to take a deeper look into the third section of the verse though.  The"in all your ways" part.  

Trusting in the Lord is not always the easy part.  It gets challenged very often, but I do feel like if you have been walking with the Lord for any amount of time you find that He is trustworthy and faithful!  While it, too, is not easy to lean on your own understanding when God is dealing with you we often have to accept that things do not make sense, but we will follow.  At least it is that way for me.  

I realize that we can not take this verse apart and separate it or leave sections out - it all works together and comes to one conclusion - He will make our paths straight!  But like i said before it is the third section that I have not heard much discussion on before.  

"in all your ways acknowledge him".  This makes me think about my friend Ginger G. back in Charlotte.  She acknowledged God in everything.  I think in all situations she was looking for God and gave Him credit for the smallest to the largest things in her life and situations.  There would be things going on in her life that I did not understand - she didn't either - but she would look to the Lord and acknowledge Him working or just acknowledge His presence!  She may not even have a clue as to what way to walk next, but He always made her blind faith walk straight and leading straight into His protection and love!!  It was beautiful to watch and a privilege to be a part of at times!  I miss Gingee so much!  

So i have to ask myself and you today - are you acknowledging Him in everything?  Can you make yourself aware that HE allowed you to get where you are today and can be the only One to lead you to a deeper walk and faith?  Can you find Him in the small things?  Do you know that He is there and making all those around aware of His presence?  

Yes, we have to trust  and yes, we have to lean not, but in the midst of that are you acknowledging???  I just noticed by the power of the Spirit within me that we are doing a WHOLE Heart Faith - and to really walk in that verse 5 states it must be "with ALL your heart".  Your whole heart and not parts.  

Lord Jesus - I don't want to live a sectioned life.  I don't want to be one that takes you certain places, but not others.  I want to see you in everything and acknowledge that and live in it!!  Oh Lord my God - make me aware.  Make me aware of your workings, your movings, and your dealings.  Show me my part.  I trust in You, I will not lean on me, and I will walk straight acknowledging You are there to see me through!!  Father I love you!!  My WHOLE heart!!


God's girl said...

Glad it is going well!
MUch love,

Denise said...

You are doing awesome sweetie, love you.