Wednesday, September 01, 2010

893 - The Low Down

Ok, so here's the deal....

A cagillion emails to return - important

House to clean and organize so that people have clothes for school, etc. - semi important

Prayer time at church - important

Walk with my friend - important

5 or 6 churches waiting on responses for dates they want a speaker - important

Thousand fb messages to get up to speed on - important

Raising money for baby in Liberia - important

Returning the love texts from friends and family getting the latest scoop - important

Losing weight - not so much important - ha

Giving my all to Sarahjane and making sure she gets the best - Paramount!!!!!!!! Trumps all!!

Lord, I miss a schedule since we had just gotten in a routine with school starting. But all the above can wait as I minister to my baby girl and her needs. She is on her way back to recovery. We go in for another root canal kind of thing this morning - we need to leave in just a few.

Life will return to "normal" (is our house ever normal?) and life will go on. But for now I have to ignore all and be with her! I love it, I adore this time, and I just eat her up!! God is so gracious. He is so faithful. and He is my Rock!

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess (homologia - means to agree with His Word), for He who promised is faithful. Heb. 10:23

I will get back with you - important - just maybe not today.


Unknown said...

Just want you to know I'm praying.


Tashmica said...

My son said to me the other day..."Mom, can you just not be on the phone a bunch tonight? So if Lisa or someone from work calls, just don't pick up. They are not family."

Hit the nail on the head.