Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Spiritual Laziness

Oh Lord, those words came across my e-mail yesterday from a friend in Memphis area, Teresa. She said that she was feeling led to speak and write on the spirit of spiritual laziness. When I saw those words it just was like a beam of lightening or huge bell went off for my next retreat I am trying to write. It has given me direction and inspiration and certainly an answer to prayer!

You know Lord, that with each child I have gradually kept 5+ pounds. That may not sound like very much and really not much reason for concern, but I have had 4 kids and 1 miscarriage. So it is like we are talking 20- 25 pounds. I don't like the extra weight at all. I have always been a pretty thin person and so while many people think or say I still look fine, it really bothers me. But let's get real now. How much does it really bother me? My baby is 2.5 years old and I am still carrying around this weight. The funny thing is I have all these great intentions. "Starting Monday, we are going to start eating right." Isn't it funny I always include Clay. "Starting Monday I am going to start running everyday." I have even thought crazy things like making myself give each of the kids a quarter on days I didn't exercise. I know - weird!

But at the center of this weight issue is laziness and lack of self-discipline and just plain apathy. I do want to look better and feel better in my clothes, but I really just don't care enough. I listen to the words of good meaning friends and family - Oh, you look fine! Carter told me last night "Good is the enemy of God's best." I want God's best for me even in the Holy Spirit's temple, my body. I just don't hurt enough (so to speak), i just don't think it is bad enough, just LAZY!!!!

You know Lord, I see the same thing at times in my walk with You. I set the alarm the night before with the intentions of meeting with You early the next morning. But I can justify my way into a few more minutes of sleep. I can tell myself I will find time later that day. In the wee hours of the morning, I can even tell myself that God wants me to get my rest. How pitiful!

I can think of times of going to a conference or a seminar and thinking of all the ways that I want things in my prayer life to be different. But do I ever change them? Not very often. This laziness has a core of selfishness! If I really surrender to what He wants, these things would not be issues. If I abandoned myself to His desires I would not be in this predicament. If I truly cared about the heart of God, I would take some action to show it!

Lord, I have been involved in athletics all my life. While there is a great deal of an edge for the person that just has raw talent, there is certainly the person that can move right on pass all that talent because of hard work and sheer work ethic. Now if you are so blessed to be able couple those 2 together, talent and work ethic, that is one incredible athlete and many things will come their way. I really see the same thing with our relationship with You! When we act with diligence upon the heart of desire for You, amazing things can be done through that person. I know Beth Moore says once she started really living the Believing Life, her prayers got a lot more yes's than no's. The athlete must work hard and so must the disciple of Christ. It may not be a pretty thought to think about working hard for the faith, but this is what I feel Christ saying in my life and through His Word. Not working for our salvation, but working because of our salvation - a heart of gratitude!

Proverbs 12:27 "The lazy man does not roast his game, but the diligent man prizes his possessions."

Help me to make use of every gift You have given me and to work hard living in the grace and mercy of You, my Savior!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yup, yup, yup! the verse i have been praying for myself (and have a friend praying for me) is 2 Tim. 1:7:

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of SELF-DISCIPLINE!!!