Sunday, October 15, 2006

Facing the Giants

Oh Lord, what a great day at church again! I was only able to go to Sunday School because i had to work the nursery. Working the nursery is just about the most unfavorite thing that i have to do from time to time. I try my hardest to stay involved in other things so that i don't have to do it. I just do not like it. There is no other way i know how to put it. I know it sounds terrible, but it is just not anything that i like! Now wouldn't a mother that i was keeping hate to hear that. I do my best to get through, have a good time, and all that, but it is just that for me - getting through!!! I think i eat more crackers than the kids! Anyway - i made it through!

Clay, Tucker, and I went to see the movie Facing the Giants!! It is by far my most favorite movie ever!!! I loved every minute of it. My friend in Illinois told me she cried through the whole thing and i thought she was just exaggerating - but nope it was the truth!!! I mean awesome!!!

Clay and I have decided to sell his part of his business here and the house and all and pick up things and move to Southern Illinois. He has been given a job and his territory will be that area. This is where he is from and his family still lives. I just don't know what else to say other than this is where we feel led to go. Clay has always wanted to live near his family and we tried to force it about 4 or 5 years ago. But after a long 2 year process of thinking we were going to Nashville and trying everything possible to make that workout, this is the direction we feel led to go. I know it will be a huge change for me! I have never lived in the same town as family and i have never lived in a town so small - 1000 people. My current church is 17 times bigger than this whole town - 17,000 members!!! No red lights, only a once a week paper, 1 school, few churches, and no Wal-mart or Target!!!!!!!!!! Yikes!!! What will i do in the day when everyone is working? What will i do in the day when all my kids are at school? What will i do??? I don't know - i don't know anything yet. Maybe i will farm, maybe i will cook? Maybe will sew, maybe i will drive, maybe i will go to school, maybe i will work, maybe i will................................ I don't know - but i do know Who does know!!! He has me in the palm of His hands! Even if we are making the worst decision ever in our lives and i don't think we are, He still has a hold on me and will help me make the best of it. I don't want it to sound like i am not excited - i am. But i also want to be realistic! This is our newest calling and quite different than i ever thought we would do. I would have even predicted full-time ministry before this or even foreign missions before this. I am ready and i am hopeful! HE IS GOOD!!! I may be facing a giant - but He has won!

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