Thursday, October 12, 2006

Wounding the enemy.......

Oh Lord, i come to You with great conviction this morning. Last night at Daniel - it was one of the most powerful lessons i have ever heard in my life. I mean Beth Moore was so "on" and fired up about what God had given her it was incredible. I would love to have a whole set of those videos, but on CD so i could put the on my headphone deal. Many, many things he spoke about were so for me, but i know that every person in the room last night would say the same. The class last night was even very verbal and active in their responses. It was great! I know You were so pleased because we are getting closer to You. We are seeing You in a new light! Bless You!

Ok the jest of the story last night was the Lion's den. The whole reason Daniel was thrown into the den was because he practiced Holy Habits. He prayed regularly and with consistency. 3 times a day he turned his head toward Jerusalem and lift up thanks to our Lord. Oh Lord, i do not praise You near enough. It is hard to praise You with Toby Mac in the car, but it brings Tucker closer to You. So therefore i praise hard! He is getting it Lord. He really is. He asked again about wanting to go to a non-Christian school. That can be more about wanting to wear different clothes, but i know You are working on him. I am confident.

Lord, i never want to be the same. I want to be changed from this Daniel study and live differently. Help me to make those "different" choices and then realize when it is a result of this study. Can you imagine being found guilty of prayer like Daniel was? Holy cow, i just about dropped on the floor of seeking great forgiveness because I know that could not be said of me. I so want to be found guilty of that, but it is not near enough. Lord, change me please! We learned that everything can be affected by prayer - why - it blesses the heart of God and it builds my faith! Oh Lord, let that be my guilt!

The greatest part last night was actually talking about Daniel being in the den. Oh the excitement in my heart and understanding of it all is not coming to me in words! It was church last night - the real deal and so wonderful. I was ready to go home and see YOU!!!!! Praise You, Lord. Oh Jesus You are so great! Your Word is incredible! Wow, thank you!

Last piercing question and it goes back to the prayer and guilt. Do i regularly wound the enemy? Do i speak the Word outloud as to shove the defeated one out of my presence? That is another thing i fall way short on! I have a situation in my life right now that i am seeking victory, but i have yet to write down any scripture to speak aloud when the temptations come forth! I am going to end now so that i can get Your word on my hip!!On my shirt, in my pocket, wherever it can be held close!

I love you Lord! Thank you thank you thank you!

1 comment:

Pfingston said...

I love Beth Moore's studies.

Did the "Living Beyond yourself" and have the book "Believing in God", God has really blessed her with insight that is so refreshing.