Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I am sorry and will turn around...

Dear Lord, this morning in Hosea 6 lies a great deal of conviction and call for repentance. The whole chapter begins like a conversation between 2 people. They are talking about how they have been dealt their punishments for sin, but God would heal them up. They even discuss this whole process of restoration like it is a 3 day equation. Verse 2 states, "after 2 days He will revive us and on the 3rd day He will restore us." Kind of just matter of fact and no big deal. Like their sins were only to the degree of only needing 2 days of revival and 1 day of restoration. But the fact of the real matter, this country had totally rejected the love of the Lord. Remember He liken them to a prostitute. I think back in the days of rituals, atonement and procedure, i doubt 2 days of revival and 1 day of restoration is going to get them on the right path.

But i confess i really am no different. I can go through a certain sin and think that just by lifting up a quick, "forgive me, Lord, I am sorry" and that is it, we are finished with the matter. Just that simple to live in the blessings again. But no, my Jesus requires more. He wants a heart yes, that says i am sorry, but then a life that turns from those actions and walks differently. I have no problem saying i am sorry (well, at least i don't think i have a problem saying i am sorry), but it is the part of making a conscious effort to live differently that is tough at times. I want to do it, but sometimes forget because i have been living in that sin - be it an attitude, fleshly desire, or just sinful action - for so long it almost feels right or at least normal.

Lord, i am stunned at what You call our love for You in the next few verse. You say our love for You is like the "morning mist" or dew. That means it does not stay long and evaporates quickly. We might have good intentions first thing in the morning, but by mid morning at best those intentions, promises or even hopeful wishes are gone as if never there.

Jesus, forgive me. Forgive me as i have seen this in my life more than once to say the least. Jesus, i want to repent and it be more than just words. I want to have a changed heart and actions that follow. Lord, give me the desires to walk in Your way s and to follow Your paths. Lord, what are the things that i need to repent of? What are the things i need to turn from and walk differently. Lord, I want to be used by You, but i know that i must have a clean heart and right actions to follow. Ironically sometimes it is easier to walk right, but not have a right heart! Lord, you know me inside and out and i confess my sin to You. Make my thoughts line up with You and may my intentions and motivations be pleasing to You. I want to be that city on the hill or salt and light to the world. Use me to any degree You see fit to make Your Name famous. I pray for many opportunities today to share Your love. I love you!

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