Wednesday, February 07, 2007

241 - Just a common girl

Lord Jesus - we woke up this morning to the most beautiful painted sky i think i have ever seen. It was the most gorgeous orange and splashes of pink and red. I woke up the kids to see it and to my surprise they were not angry for me waking them, but were in awe of it as well. So Lord, praise You for Your beauty and creation. I know i could not hear it, but the angles were flying all around the creation this morning and applauding Your work. Holy Holy Holy!!!

I got to thinking the other day and actually it has been in my mind for some time. I was thinking about all of the heros of the present faith, those living amongst us to this day. So many of them have major tragedies, traumas, abuses, etc. in their lives. It sometimes seems that without those happenings in their lives they would not be where they are in ministry. Some had abortions and then live to tell. Some abused as a child. Some lived a wild past in sex, drugs, adultery, etc. Some came through debt. Some lived through cancer, disease, famine, etc... It is like that is what started their ministry. So it seems............

But then again I think about my David and his beginnings. He was just a boy longing to be used by the Lord (or was he) and not much else exciting. Oh yes, it was exciting how God would work through him and the things he could do because of his dedication to the Lord, but he just happen to know the Lord, spend daily time with Him, and then called to great service. The Lord knew of his great failures that were sure to come and almost could not be avoided so it seems, but God still wanted him and was going to use him. He did not start with some tainted past.

I get caught up in that often. God will never use me because my testimony is not "pretty" enough. I can only be used to a limited degree because in the Christians standards, i have never been down to the pit. Could the pit be coming? sure! But Lord instead of wondering this morning if i will ever be used to any degree greater than we have thus far, I want to just praise You for what You have kept me from. Why, I don't know. As Billy Graham says, "Except by the grace of God, there go I." Oh that is so me. I could have been in major pits and in terrible situations or whatever the case may be, but for some reason you have chosen to keep me from all that. Not because I don't deserve any of it - You don't work that way. But just for some reason this is my path and the road I have been taken down or the cards i have been dealt as some might say.

Lord, thank you for saving me from things i could not have handled. Thank you for leading me in this life and taking me down my roads. Thank for the hard times that have allowed me to grow and then submit. Teach me greater things about Yourself and allow me to grow deeper in love with You. I want to spring out of bed to meet with You, and then when i get here may Your Words come alive and my heart be pierced by it! Lord, I am ready to sit at Your feet and just learn. I think my "Mary" time of just basking is now. I have so much Martha in me. I do want to do all the time, but I think You are calling me to sit - be Mary!!! Help me Lord to be merry in Mary for i am just a common girl. I love you!

1 comment:

Hargie said...

You and I have been thinking along the same lines this week. It's a little freaky, actually... I often feel this same way...thanks for the reminder of all I have to be thankful for!!
