Wednesday, February 21, 2007

252 - Use some Common Sense

Dear Lord, last night we went to a Fat Tuesday deal in honor of Lent coming up. It was different and something I had never heard of nor taken part in. It was really great pancakes and good time. Also Crystal and I went to MOPS yesterday down at Little Chapel. She had never been to a MOPS meeting and it was my second at this church. It was fun. They had a craft, cake decorating, which i don't really care for, but the other ladies seem to love it. So it was a really good time and I hope Crystal will go with me again. (She is just about 6 foot maybe taller. I now have 2 taller friends in Illinois and I love that!!)

Lord, If there is one thing i can not stand in Christians is one that remains faithless or one that resolves on their own to be a "stupid" martyr or basically a doormat. A true martyr is one thing and amazing at that. But I mean the person that allows everyone to run right over them in the name of "giving God the glory and He will take care of me". Hang with me - I am getting somewhere.

I knew a girl in college that was the worst. She let everyone take advantage of her, use her car and not replace any gas, crash it, destroy her clothes - just terrible stuff. But instead of making people be responsible for what they had done, she would just sit back and say, "I just hope God is glorified and honored." Ugh!!! It infuriated me. Now i am one to definitely work around a confrontation, but I am not a doormat. She lacked some severe common sense! God gave her a brain to use and know how to deal with others that are taking advantage of her.

Well........... in I Samuel 23:7-18 we find something similar but of course our David used some common sense and his brains. Saul had gotten word where David was hiding out and so he was coming to kill him again! David inquired of the Lord - Is this true and will the people of this city turn me over? God answered both questions simply with a "yes". There was no explanation, no draw out "why", no lengthy direction of what to do next - just yes!

So if David had been like my friend in college he would had sat there and let Saul come and get him or the people of the city. Words would have flowed out of his mouth like her, "If God wants to rescue me He will. I am just going to be faithful to sit here and watch my refuge come. I am going to just be still and know He is God. I am just going to stay where He has led me and see what happens." NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#1 - I am convinced there is much less faith - at times - in sitting and doing nothing than there is doing something you are not sure of and out of your comfort zone!
#2 - Use some common sense! God had promised David to be King of Israel and God is going to break His promise - I think not! David knew to run - he knew to get out of dodge. He knew to hightail it away from the danger and allow God to be His rescue in running. He didn't need lots of explanation. He just needed the truth and then made a wise decision.

God I know i do not always use common sense - in fact i am lacking in that area. Lord, all in all, help me to be more wise. More wise than i actually am. Oh Lord, i want to do Your will and be wise in every situation. I don't want to be a doormat and I don't think You call us to be that. Invade me with the Holy Spirit so that I will know what to do on a moment's notice. That is the key. I must be filled up with You daily so that when a simple answer comes like "Go", i will have enough sense to know it was You and enough faith to trust that still small voice.

Father I praise You. I love Your Word. Give me greater insight into the Scriptures. Guide me as to what I am to share with different groups. I have a lot coming up and am feeling a bit of pressure. Good pressure! Friday I am going to Kentucky - anyone want to go? I have to leave around 5:30am with both of my kids... I didn't think so. Thank you Lord. I love you!


Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and really enjoyed it today. I was a lot like your friend in college. I thought it was best not to be confrontational and that God would want me to just be the "nice" person. But a few years ago I got tired of being taken advantage of and decided that if I truly believed something God would want me to follow through with it and to trust that he would be there to lead me. Anyway may God bless you on your blogging ministry!!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and really enjoyed it today. I was a lot like your friend in college. I thought it was best not to be confrontational and that God would want me to just be the "nice" person. But a few years ago I got tired of being taken advantage of and decided that if I truly believed something God would want me to follow through with it and to trust that he would be there to lead me. Anyway may God bless you on your blogging ministry!!

AK said...

I really needed to read that today, thanks so much for sharing.