Friday, March 02, 2007

262 - Brittany Spears

Dear Jesus - I know this may sound so crazy, but over the past few weeks I have been so burdened for Brittany Spears. Maybe because she is a momma and a southern girl. That would be my only connection with her. But as the world is pointing fingers and calling her crazy - she has done some questionable things - I can't help but hurt for her and feel great sympathy. Growing up in the church and singing first as a gospel singer - so i have been told - I know she has at least been exposed to the Truth whether she listened to it at all. So assuming that she has actually heard the Truth, there is hope for this young momma screaming out (as Marybeth put it in her blog) in this unusual way in complete and utter desperation. Before I get on the road for my event in Nashville, I want to pray for Brittany. Lord Jesus, I pray this is never one of my little girls in this kind of mess, but none of us are immune.

Lord, creator of all little girls and boys, I lift up this precious one of Yours and ask for protection. Protect her body from whatever addictions are consuming her at this time. Protect her children that have been toss here and there hoping for a stable environment. Protect her momma and daddy from disappointment and only encourage healing and wholeness. Lord, i know you have a special plan for this lady. From the beginning of time you may have planned to use her voice for good and for glorification of You, but somewhere it got off track. I do not stand to judge, but lift up and ask that you draw her in. If she has ever known you in a personal way, Lord, I pray she will feel your holy hugs and nudges to come back. I pray Lord that you will give her the courage to begin to say no to the old ways and abandon that lifestyle. Lord, i can only imagine if someone like Brittany were to change her life and truly live for you what kind of impact that would have across the world. Oh Jesus, for your name's sake do that. Bring someone to her, in rehab, in the grocery, in the studio, wherever that can speak truth and honesty and LOVE. Lord I am so thankful that at she has not chosen to abort those precious boys. Lord, she chose life and that is such a positive and honorable thing. The people that she is around i am sure encourage, to say the least, for her to abort and just get rid of another hassle as they might see it. But Jesus, you have plan for those boys as well. Oh Lord, allow her to reach out for You and seek your love, redemption, and forgiveness. Jesus, if Brittany does come back around, will my church - the whole body - accept her? Will we love on her and rejoice with her? Will we forget and not judge? Oh Jesus - I sure hope so. Thank you for the blessings that you have placed in her life that i have no idea about. Lord, thank you for her gifts and talents and from what i hear her huge heart. Lord, change this lady. Do your holy work!! Thank you, Lord!!!

Brittany - I know the possibilities of you ever reading this are less than slim to none. But my God is possible and awesome. He can put something right into your face that should have never gotten there. My God, Holy Father, Jesus Christ, Lord, Almighty, the One!!!! He is like none other. He will take you in and love on you and hold you tightly. He will never take advantage of you. He will make all you wrongs right and redeem your soul from the pit. He is unconditional about His love and mercy and grace. We have such different lives, but there have been pits have I have been in as well. I want you to know that at least one person and i know there are many others, want to see you whole and healthy. We want to see you used for the Truth and the Gospel. Brittany, you have not done anything He can't forgive. You could never do too much that He can't wipe clean. He loves you, He died for you, and He now lives for you. Trust in Him!!! He is more than worth it all, even all the fame and money and riches. I would trade those things for Him any day. Grab on tightly and He will never let you go!!! I love Him and He loves you more than you will ever know.

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