Thursday, April 26, 2007

310 - Holy Redeemer

Lord Jesus - thank you for the past couple of days. Even though 2 of my girls are sick, I have had so much fun just hanging out with them, actually didn't mind laundry too bad this week, and had an awesome time getting to know some new people on the blogging world. Plus this morning, you have just reminded me of how awesome and wonderful you have been in my life and I just about want to shout right here at 5:30am - but noooooooooooo - kids must sleep!

I think we have come to the very end of the study on David and Bathsheba. Now just like sin and situations in our life, God does forgive and forget and toss those iniquities far away - we still have to deal with the consequences at times. That is the real bummer part, but we must lie in the bed we make - i think that is the way you say it. So i am sure parts of it will come up again...

So I am in Ps. 51: 6-13. Oh these are some beautiful scriptures. Love them! Vs. 8 says, "Let the bones you have crushed rejoice." I so know the feeling of that. You take me to the very bottom of the pit where I have been stripped of everything. Completely humble and crushed. I have even began to think at times, will it ever be the same - will I ever be loved like that again - will i ever know the closeness again????? Then in almost that instance of breathing out the last breath, symbolically speaking, He comes to my rescue. I get my breath back, i begin to stand back up, I can feel the bones within me singing a new song because of the redemption He is placing over my life. It is a resurrection as such - a rededication if you like that word better - It is a new growth and (re)life into the very marrow of my bones. Only if you have been there do you know the feeling. There is no trick to this - it is just a repentant heart that has taken responsibility for all wrongs and come to the ONE that can heal and restore.

Many times i just want to apologize to the person whom i have wronged or the person whom i have hurt, etc. Yes, that needs to be done, Jesus Christ is all about reconciliation. But according to verse 4 it is against the Lord and only the Lord which i have sinned against. We hurt others, disappoint, and wrong others, but it is against Him and only Him that we sin! Remember the scripture in Matthew - When you do this to the least of these, you do this to me." That scripture goes either way - good and bad.

"and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me", verse 12. Isn't that great - that is what I am always praying - protect me from me. Help me Lord, to sustain life from the ways I mess it up and from my stupidness. (Don't tell my kids I just said stupid.) I am my worst enemy. I do fight against the prince of darkness and his helpers - spiritual warfare - but I am very much fighting against myself. I can not give Satan all the credit - he does not make me do anything. He might set it up really well for me to perfectly fall into the trap, but He can not push me over the edge. Once again, I must take responsibility for my sin!!!

Lord Jesus, I just wanna praise You this morning. I feel a great rush of Your Spirit on my life right now and I pray You sustain me. Lord, lead me into righteousness and into Your will! Father, help me to take responsibility for my sin - even the little sin that can be pushed aside. Lord, the white lies, the overeating, the silly thoughts, the unproductive talk, the anger words of frustration - the under the breath ones, the selfish consciousness, Lord, everything. Forgive me Lord, for sinning against You. I am so thankful for the times you have crushed my bones and breathed life back into my soul. Thank you for your mercy and grace, forgiveness, and wholeness! Oh Father - you are perfect and yet so approachable. Lord, I have so many requests! You know them all - please show yourself. Be free to do as you want to do! I love U!

Upcoming things: 1) May 4 - Star Church, Eldorado, Il.

2) May 11 - Crossroads Church, Norris City, Il.

3) May 15 - Plainview Church, Norris City, Il.

4) May 18 - New Hope Baptist, Omaha, Il.

5) May 28 - Crossroads Memorial Day Event - FREE food, games, rides - really fun!!!

6) June 10 - Norris City UMC - giving testimony to church on Sunday morning

7) June 20 - Stonebridge Comm. Church - Charlotte, NC

Thank you Jesus - lead in each one - what do you want spoken??

AND i sold my first purse over the Internet - yaaaaaaaahooooooooooooooo!!! Thank you!


Nise' said...

Thankful Thursday is a weekly meme that is hosted by Iris at Sting My Heart. If you choose to participate, you write your post, and then go to Iris' blog and link your post there and are able to read other posts if you choose to do so! Check it out here:Sting My Heart.

I also participate in the weekly meme Marriage Monday hosted by Christine at Fruit In Season.

Hope that is helpful, any other questions, let me know!

I loved the video of Baby Got Book! I am going to share that with my kids as they know all about Baby Got Back...

Anonymous said...

What an awesome prayer. I am visiting here for the first time I believe. Blessings!