Wednesday, May 09, 2007

323 - The Weak... Be Wise!

Heavenly Father - today is going to be a good day. I am feeling a bit better and a tad bit stronger. We actually made some baked ziti last night with salad and bread. Oh it was so good. Then as a reward for eating so well we took the kids to DQ for ice cream in the nearest town. It was a really nice treat. But after cooking and fixing dinner and all I had to go and take a 30 minute nap before I could get in the car to go to DQ. Everything absolutely wears me out. Lord, will I ever be the same?? I took a long shower this morning and then got out to jump back in the bed - or at least I wanted to, but had to get EJ ready for school. Oh Lord, how will I ever make it through on Friday speaking. I know how, and I am excited for you to do Your amazing power!

This morning I was in 2 Samuel 16:1-4. David has fled his own kingdom because of his bitter son, Absalom, was coming to take over. So David, strong and mighty David, is once again on foot fleeing for his life. Can't you just hear him saying, "No, not again. I started my life like this, surely my life is not ending like this?" Nevertheless, he is off and on the run once again. In the midst of this hiding he comes across a man named Ziba. Ziba met David with all kinds of goods and supplies, but it was all with false motives. Ziba told David that one of his own men, Mephibosheth, had turned on him and was waiting for the new kingdom to come to Jerusalem. Ziba was lieing... David being weak and in a very compromising position made a rash decision. He believe Ziba and gave Ziba all of Mephi.'s stuff to him. David was in a bad way... boy, sounds familiar. He was tired, he was humiliated, he was fearful, he felt responsible, and he was much older than the previous years of running! David had lost lots of followers and in fact some old Saul followers were merging and willing to hit a dog when he was down! Aren't there always those kinds of people....

Oh Lord, I pray you protect my head these next couple of weeks as I am recuperating. Please don't allow there to be too many decisions that need to be made right now that i could really be mislead in. Help me to hang tightly to the Word and the Spirit. You are alive and active in me. Help me to feel your presence and your leadings! Father, forgive me for the things that i have done to lead others astray and forgive me for the times i have just not listened! Lord, help me to never be the one to kick when a man is down. Break my leg if i begin to go there. I have been the man down this past couple of weeks and Lord, I need your power and your strength!!

I love you my Lord. Waiting and watching for you! Amen


Holly said...

Waiting and watching with you, friend...glad you're on the up-swing...
Love in Him,

Valarie said...

You can do "all things" - what things? "ALL things" thru Christ who WILL strengthen you!! Pick up your sword sister, start swingin' and He'll do the rest!!!

I love ya.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are finally seeing some light at the end of this tunnel. You keep your eyes focused, girl, square on the race set before you. You can do it! You are a Mighty Warrior! You are a jar of clay that is powerful in the strength of the Most High God!!

I'm cheering you on....and so is a great cloud of witnesses!!


Nise' said...

Trusting that the Lord is going to knock your socks off with how He comes through for you this weekend!

Patty said...

I am still praying for you. I am not sure why we both are so sick but God is our Healer and he will give us strength for each new day. I will be covering you in prayer during your speaking engagement. Praise God for his power! He is amazing. I understand what you mean about doing things and being so tired. I seem to want to sleep all the time and it's driving me nuts. I cleaned my room yesterday, cleaned the dresser out and closet and put away my winter clothes and brought out the summer clothes. I was worn out but glad that I accomplished something. May you feel even better today and may God give you a complete healing today!!
