Sunday, May 20, 2007

334 - It is Well

I told a friend recently what God has taught me some time ago... He may be waiting for our contentment in a situation or our increased faith in a situation before He moves or changes things in that situation. Whatever you are going through can you say "It is Well" with your soul yet?? Oh friends - It is Well - It really is!!!!!! This video below is so powerful - please pass this on to as many as possible. No, you will not get blessed by passing it on to 5 people, but you will bless others!

Mom and Valarie - you will love the last singer. Get ready for some church!!!

1 comment:

Nise' said...

Wow, thank you Leigh, God is talking to me through this post about increasing my faith in a situation before He moves or changes things.

Enjoyed the video!