Sunday, August 12, 2007

407 - Blogging Break, but Pray!

Hey Ya'll - I just wanted you to know that I am leaving at about 5:30am to go to Charlotte to speak on Wednesday night. I know that is quite a long trip, but this may be my last time in Charlotte unless I am invited back by some sweet friends or by a church for speaking! Yes, I pray with all my heart this is not the last time, but it could be. So in view of that I wanted to take a few days and see as many people as i could see. My schedule is crowded with here and there and I can not wait. All my favorite eating places, most of all my favorite people, and then a few things in between.

Would you please pray for me? This is my last of the three month one session conference kind of thingy. Each month God has showed up stronger and stronger. I want this month to be no different and His presence to be so thick that we can hardly get up from the ground! Last month we had 2 salvation's! Oh may it be that and more!!! God do something in me and through me! Thank you in advance for showing up and being BIG!!!

I will not be posting or checking email i don't think until i return on Thursday afternoon. I can not wait to tell you all that He does. May He be glorified and magnified!!! I love you, Jesus! Amen!

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