Thursday, January 24, 2008

524 - What a Day and Looking Ahead

Lord Jesus - thank you thank you thank you for such an incredible day yesterday. Speaking at Long Hollow was such a dream come true. That is an amazing church and God is doing such a wonderful thing. Their pastor, Bro. David (I love that they call him Bro.), is such a to the point, right on, no sugar coating kind of preacher. Love that!!! The ladies there were so warm and open and accepting. Thank you Father. You gave me quite a deep message, but you were able to communicate it through me that I don't think came off to "booky" or boring. I had fun - true - but God was present in that room and I believe there were some ladies that did not leave the same! Praise you, Lord - only You could do that! My Aunt Judy came to support me and was just incredibly awesome. Of course many of the ladies knew her and were so kind. Now that I am an adult - I am an adult, right? - we don't seem that far apart in age. It is really cool.

On my way home I was able to talk with my friend Lisa for a long time. Have you checked out her blog - she is a truly gifted writer - - even has a her second book coming out in a few months! Sure did make my ride home so much shorter - and then I enter into the Blue Grass state that must not use cell phones and all was shut off. Great talking with you for the time though, Lisa! ***I just realized Lisa has a contest going on as well. Go check it out and give it a try. You will be pleased if you win!

I also heard from Greg, the True Love Waits organizer, youth minister in Tenn. He was giving me the 411 about that event coming up! I am so excited about that as well.

It has become so obvious to me that I have a lot of things going on and I need prayer. I don't just need a prayer, but rather a prayer team. I don't just mean just for me, but for the ministry as a whole. God confirmed this yesterday. I usually put out a sheet asking people if they want to sign up for the newsletter, prayer, etc. - that is in the works - and yesterday I had an overwhelming yes. Tons of sign ups and just blew me away. I have asked a lady to work on a price to make a blog button, but am waiting on that. I need a price first, but am excited to see how it could turn out.

If you are reading this and so felt led to be on a prayer team for Speaking Thru Me, would you leave a comment or email me and let me know??? cletus104 at gmail dot com.

I leave tomorrow morning for Wisconsin. It is a long trip!! I fly out tomorrow at 11am and don't fly back in until Sunday around 11am. I don't particularly like being gone on a Sunday especially when I won't get to worship with that group and gone from my family - I will be flying around the skies - i guess I will be closer to the heavenlies! ha ha! Just details - I speak 2 times on Saturday if the Lord prompts you to pray. Morning and afternoon!

Not too spiritual today, I am actually just overwhelmed by His goodness and grace. I am overwhelmed at His movement yesterday and the way the message come together after a long struggle. It was a fight to get it all down on paper. Not sure it has ever been that hard before. I am overwhelmed that in spite of me He can still make good of all my mistakes, inadequacies, pride, and selfishness. Oh Holy Father!! I love and praise you. I am humbled to be called your servant. Thank you Jesus - please do it again!!!


Shonda said...

I'd be honored if I can pray for STM. Glad to hear all went well. God is so good.

I'll pray for your Wisconsin trip. May it be filled with God's glory.

Blessings in Christ--

Anonymous said...

Oh Leigh...
So sorry I couldn't be there yesterday -- so incredibly sorry!! I'm so glad that God used your mouth for His glory. I love it when He just blows us away with "putting it all together!!"

Of course, you know, since I'm praying for you already that I might as well be on a "team!" :) Seriously, I would be honored to be on the prayer team. Such a wise, wise thing to do!!

I'm going to do the "blog fast" thing again today -- as much as I can. Pray for me that I will hear His voice in a very noisy, busy day!!

Blessings and love,

Shelly said...

I'm finally making my way back to blogworld, but I wanted you to know that the Lord has had you impressed heavily upon my heart for about the last 2 weeks and I'm just now getting a chance to quickly let you know that He's got you in the sustaining power of His grace and is cheering you on.

I've been out of blogworld too long to know all of what's going on, so forgive me! But I just wanted you to know that He is working for you and in you...I love you sweet woman!

ocean mommy said...

Oh Girl! I would be just honored to pray for you and the ministry God has entrusted to you!

You send my a button and it's on my sidebar!

Have a safe trip!


Leah Adams said...

You and Ginger and STM are already on my prayer list and I will continue to lift you up--would be honored to do so.


ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Hey girl.....always praying!!! Hope things go well this weekend. And yes, you can have you some church up high in sky!! =)