Monday, February 18, 2008

542 - Heat Wave in Alaska!

Wow oh wow - can I even begin to write out the blessings I received in Alaska??? Remember this is the same church that had Beth Moore last time they did a retreat. So I was completely scared out of my mind knowing she was their last speaker. Can we say pressure!!!!????!!?!?!?Let's see how can I explain... not sure... See if I can begin to just debrief a bit on some of my general thoughts and perceptions.

1) I had no idea Seattle didn't get snow and was a fairly mild place. - Long layover in Seattle.

2) I thought all Eskimos lived in igloos - they actually never lived in those as full time housing. It was more of sod houses and only igloos if they got stranded hunting, etc.

3) Alaskans do not dress for the weather - many had on shorts, flips flops, short sleeves, etc. But I did come to find out the Lord sent a heat wave through the area while I was there. It never got below 30 degrees ABOVE 0 while i was there. It snowed constantly!!

4) There are very few real Alaskans. Most are transplanted from the "lower 48" or the "outside" as we are referred to us in the other states. And many I met were there just because that is where the Lord led them or their husbands had said, "Let's move to Alaska". They followed!

5) I did get to see one Polar Bear, but he was a bit stiff and stuffed. ha ha! I saw one Dall Sheep on the side of the mountain, but no moose. I was dieing to see a real moose! They are plentiful and quite a nuisance in Soldotna - south of Ankorage or maybe it was north.

6) The time change was a real challenge. At 3pm I would be hungry since it was 6pm my time only to realize I had to hold out 2 more hours until their dinner time. And then rising at 5am their time was a bit lonely realizing no one else would be up and at 'em for a few more hours - it was 8am my time and that was sleeping in to me.

7) To prevent avalanches, the troopers would shoot cannons into the moutains to release a huge pile of snow that might be a potential avalanch. It would hold up traffic for about 2 hours as the snow plows would come to clear the roads. Yes, it sounded just like you would think - a cannon.

Dear Father - thank you so much for all you did in me and through me on this trip. I am blown away at the way you showed up and showed off. At the very end there were ladies confessing things in their lives that Satan wanted them to stay quiet about for forever! You know the healing can begin when we are honest and admit. It was incredible!!! Freeing and beautiful!

I presented the message series called Radical Obedience. One can not - well, i guess one could - but I was going to say one can not hear that call from the Lord to walk in radical obedience and not at least feel some sort of conviction of a change that needs to be made in their lives. I mean the whole time I am up there just spilling out every ounce of me to them He is simultaneously convicting me of more things. It just works that way and it should too. If i felt no need to change anything about me then I really have no business being up there! It is an awesome thing to experience each and every time!

Our worship leader was from Texas and a precious lover of the Lord - she actually was an Alaskan by birth. Her voice was incredibly sweet, soft, and gentle. She took us to the throne of grace in way very similairly to the gentle way snow falls to the ground. His presense was obvious and lovely! I hope to meet up with her again some day!

I have been to Colorado, I have seen the mountains in Greece, I love the beaches of America - the lower 48 that is - but the mountains and ocean all in one place at one time in Alaska is amazing. It was not really possible to look far off in the distance to see a moutain - it was right there on top of you or right there as you drove along. I mean it screamed or shouted or commanded MAJESTY!!!! (Spell check is still broken in Blogger - what is up - but please forgive me.) I think it is the real Winter Wonderland. Trees, snow, skiiers, fireplace, animals, etc... We stayed at this fancy, smancy, dancy, totally incredible ski resort. It was in Girdwood called Alyeska Ski Resort!! Look it up!! I am going back some day.

I wanted Clay to be there so bad. It was Valentine's and there were so many lovers walking around, skiing together, and sipping on coffee or whatever. So appropriately Jesus and I walked around holding hands and just taking it all in together. He whispered to me His love for me and all mankind. He whispered to me through others His confirmations and plans for the days to come. He whispered to me how proud He was to see His "go to girls" leaving determined to take action. He whispered to me on the way home - Thank you! That was enough. He is more than enough!! Thank YOU, Jesus!! I love you!

PS - they did have Beth Moore last year, but remember she was in a box - Loving Well. hee hee - got cha again. Pictures to come when my battery gets charged.


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo, girl!! Today's is "your day" on my prayer calendar and here is exactly what I prayed for you...

"Lord, I CAN'T WAIT to hear from Leigh about Alaska. I pray that you blessed her socks off and that she was as challenged by her own message as the women who heard her!"

Sounds like He delivered and delivered big!

I also was given a scripture for you today -- don't know how or why this is for you, but I'm passing it along...

II Timothy 2:15 is for you today.

Amplified: "Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth."

The Message: "Concentrate on doing your best for God, work you won't be ashamed of, laying out the truth plain and simple."

Love you much and absolutely adore sharing in this ministry with you!!

Blessings, friend,

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Dori - One thing I totally did not mention and need to go back and do - the event planner - Kathy - was an incredible woman. She spoke some truth over me and your verse confirms it. Thank you thank you thank you for obeying Him, listening to Him, and then sharing with me what He gives you. Yes oh yes - it means soemthing and I will obey!! thank you! Love you girlie!!

Leah Adams said...


Glad to have you back in the "lower 48". Your name was lifted before our Father from my heart very often. I am thrilled that the Lord showed up in such a mighty way. I was going to be soooo impressed that you "followed" Beth!!

I am praying all the same things for me this coming weekend that I prayed for you this past weekend. We are very excited about our event and have over 200 ladies registered. If I come to mind on Saturday the 23rd please offer up a prayer for us. Thanks and know I am thrilled to pieces that your Alaska opportunity was blessed!!


Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Leah - you can guarentee I will be lifting you up - would not miss that privilege for anything in the world!! Thank you for your prayers sweet sister!! love, Leigh

Valarie said...

OH girl!! I just knew the Lord was going to "woo" you this weekend and it sounds as if He did NOT disappoint! You have impacted those women thru Christ in ways that will call them to be RADICAL!!! WOOOHOOOOOO!!

So glad you're home safely!
Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Hello sweetie! I too couldn't wait to hear from you...I just love the fact that you and the Lord were walking around Alaska holding hands and taking it all in..(I thought He only did that with me..heehee!)and thank you for reminding me that "He is more than enough!" I need that preparing for this week...

love you my friend!
Braden, TN

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Teresa - I always get excited when I see the anonymous coment. I think it just might be Priscilla Shirer again. BUt it is my sweet, and ever wonderfully faithful friend Teresa!! I am praying you through this week!! Be guarenteed!! Taped it!!! Where are you with ministry stuff latley??? love you!!

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...
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Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...
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Amber said...

Leigh, people around here just don't blog like the rest of the world, so I just wanted to comment as one of the attendees of your Alaska speaking engagement...thank you! I was blessed and I am ready to do something radical. (For me, I think it will have to start with trying to get up before my kids! Satan LOVES to use them, the earlier I get up, the earlier they get up!) Anyhoo, I'm glad you loved Alaska. Bring Clay up in the summer, you'll love it even more. (And you are welcome to stay at my house, where we have about four moose that pass through our yard daily (see blog) and some caribou friends who visit in summer and this past fall a brown bear who decided to help clean the grill on our deck!)
Amber Fischer

Jenny said...

I enjoyed reading your post. You are right that God calls us to change every single season if we are going to serve him radically!

Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you got home safe!
I told you you would be hearing from me. I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your messages this past weekend here in Alaska. I will email you all the details and feelings that I would love to share with you.
I was touched and convicted in many ways. But I loved that I was also able to laugh! It's amazing how one weekend, one woman, one message can change a life indefinately! Hope to keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

Hi Leigh,

Oh PTL! I knew it would be wonderful! God is so good! I celebrate with you and I know that the best is yet ahead for you!

Tracy Hurst

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

How awesome!! Praise Him!!

Fran said...

YEAH!! YEAH!! YEAH!! YEAH!! I just got real tickled at myself as I sat here and just grinned so big reading all about your trip! I mean...I'm sitting here thinking...."she was in stinkin Alaska for cryin out loud!! HOLY COW!!!"

I sit here and just praise God for what He did for you, through you, and with them.

Blessings friend....

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Amber - I am just about ready to jump out of my skin for your post - Praise Him!!! That is what I am tlaking about - Radical Obedience!!! Yeah baby - go for it!! Watch for the daggers of satan, but also be on the lookout for the blessings too!! Thanks for sharing!! Keep in touch!

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Jamie - holy cow - to hear from 2 of "my" Alaskan girls - I am just tickled pink!!! GOt your email and I am just so honored you share everything with me. I am praying for you and can not wait to hear more. I will write back soon!! Thanks and please stay in otuch!! Love, Leigh

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Fran - those were my words exactly when I got off the plane - there and back home... I can not see what He does next. I just might have to call some churches in Hawaii - hee hee!! You know He could knock my socks off like that!! Want to come? Love you, Leigh

Have ya'll started looking at plane tickets yet?

Kathy Schwanke said...

Leigh, I want to express how much I enjoy reading your blog. Delight in the Lord...That is what I see here, and I rejoice with you in our Lover of souls...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a good time up there! I'd like to visit sometime, like when it's daytime 24 hours?

And you should've known that Eskimos don't live in igloos... POLAR BEARS DO!

Take care!

Nise' said...

Glad you had a great time and looking forward to those pictures. My brother's are Alaska born! We moved there right after I was born a wayyyyy long time ago. My grandfather, mother, aunt and one cousin are still living in Alaska.