Monday, March 03, 2008

549 - I'm Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing

How can I keep from singing your praise - How can I ever say enough, How amazing is your love! Lord Jesus - You did it!!! You showed up and off and in and through and .............. holy cow is was incredible!! As i sit here this morning I am still so amazed and just tickled pink at what you did!! Incredible!!! Oh Lord I loved it and I know you loved it too!! Wow wow wow - let's do it again! So let me recap if I can...........

I went to pick up Leslie on Friday afternoon and her flight was on time and everything. Picked her up around 3:30pm, but we did not get back home until 9:30pm. Yep I got us lost in St. Louis. Holy cow - there is an area called East St. Louis that we have to drive past on our way home and I was so scared I was going to get us lost in there. We finally made our way to the church. The church was having an open prayer time for anyone and everyone to come and prayer for the next day's events. It was awesome. People were there!!! I should not be shocked, but prayer is one of those things that people do not show up for except for the faithful few. But they were there!!! Awesome!

We finally made it home to my Norris City house and the kids and LuLu stormed Leslie! They were so excited to have a celebrity in the house. Sarahjane was a stalker. ha ha! It was cute and Leslie was so sweet to indulge them! Off to bed for an exciting day was approaching.

Saturday morning I was beginning to get a bit fearful. Will they show up? Will anyone remember to come? You see my church really doesn't do fee events - so i have been told. We did not sell tickets or even take reservations. We tried to ask people to call and let us know they are coming, but why would you do that when..................I don't know - that part was hard. Perceived value - did we have that?? So we had no idea how many or if any would come... As 9:30am rolled around they began to come. Once we got going there were a little less than 100 women. Yeah, I was disappointed, but I think it was what I expected too. But He moved. One precious friend of mine came to know the Lord as her Savior!! HE brought the 99 for that 1!!! Awesome!!! Thank you Lord.

When I really think about the women's part - it was a huge success. Of the 100 about 40 or 45 of those were my church ladies. SO that means that more than half were from somewhere else. How cool is that. Reaching out to the community was the focus and that was accomplished. Thank you Lord!! Grow us for it!! Praise you Lord!! Thank you!

At 6pm we went into the prayer room and to get some instruction about the counseling. It was a precious time of prayer. Young, old, men, women, etc........... prayed! Oh it was great! On our way to the sanctuary you could hear the rumbling of excitement and thrill. I had no idea what was about to blow me away. I walked into the sanctuary and about was thrown to my knees!! It was not just full, but packed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nearly 400 youth and peeps were crammed into our sanctuary - even the balcony!!! Oh my goodness. I was so stunned that I didn't even remember to take a picture. It was awesome!!!!!!!!!! We worshipped, Leslie spoke, and then HE moved!!!

The Lord flooded the alter showering grace and mercy on every soul that met Him there. Kids poured forward just looking for a place to kneel before the Lord their Maker! Boys and girls crying tears to release the pain of their sin getting up to walk anew. Oh it was precious - a night to never forget - a time to etch in my memory forever. Way to go Lord Jesus - You are so worthy!! Thank you for allowing us to be part of Your glory and fame!! Thank you for allowing us to be part of Your Thang!!! Oh Lord - can we do it again??? Thank you Father!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Leigh...He must have been up to something this weekend because we us some kind of service at church yesterday! I'm going to try and blog about it after my quiet time.

But I loved reading this and I love that He showed up HUGE this weekend!!!

What a great picture of you and Leslie and I'm still chuckling about Sarahjane stalking her around the house! My Lindsey would do the SAME THING!! :)

Have a great week friend! Let's talk soon! Did you call my cell? It's not working and I can't tell if people really called or if it is old calls.

Okay -- rambling! :)

Love you bunches!

Valarie said...

OH GIRL!!! The pics brought tears to my eyes!!

YAY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Was prayin' Sat for Him to show off and I'm so glad He did!

Love ya.

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

WOW, that is so awesome!! I felt like I was right there with you!!! YAY!!! I'm so excited for you and this great opportunity! May He bring you many many more!!!

Shonda said...

Praise the Lord!! Hallelujah for the one!! Angels are rejoicing over her! Thanks for sharing the events of God's glory and sharing the pictures.

Blessings in Christ--

Fran said...

Hallelujah! Praise Him!! So very thankful that the weekend was full of Him!!!

The pictures brought it to life. Thank you. :)

Blessings friend~

Anonymous said...

PRAISE HIM!!!! Awesome! Thought of you many times this weekend...
love you!
Braden, TN

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Hey - Leslie was incredible!!! But the prayer that went inot this day was unbelieveable. I don't mean me - but my church and the youth!!! wow - it was incredible!!

Thanks for being excited with me and for praising Him too!!

Love to all! Leigh

Leah Adams said...

The Holy Spirit is moving, moving. I was in the nursery this Sunday so I missed the fun but two of the single moms who have been attending my Sunday school class joined our church. These two women are hurting BIG TIME, but they seem to be finding acceptance and love in the class I teach. The ladies that make up my class are AWESOME and are committed to reaching out to women of all stripes!! Hallelujah!!


mariel said...

What a percious group of prayer warriors! Isn't it incredible when the Lord shows off in a big way?! He is worthy of all our praise!!