Dear Jesus, Good morning! I am up and at 'em today as we have lots to do. The little girls spent the night at Patricia's - they need a closet there, she is so good to us - and Emmajoy had twin girls to spend the night. Until about 11pm it was little big girls running all through the house spying on Tucker, fixing him plates of less than desirable foods, and just plain ol' doing everything to get his attention. It has started - Emmajoy's friends liking the fact that she has a cute big brother to "look" at while "playing" with her. It was so funny!!
We are closing on our Norris City house on Monday!!! Yikes, it was not tentatively suppose to happen until April 15. So in the midst of getting the house ready for my parents to come - today!!! - I am traveling back and forth to that house trying to get the remainder stuff - which is a ton!! I am feeling the pressure - and needless to say I am getting very trash happy! Ha ha!
Lord Jesus - there are times in this world that I look around and it seems that all the "bad" people are winning. The corrupt are winning, getting rich, and living the high life. Father, you know I am not saying in the smallest of ways that I don't have enough or anything like that. I am not doing the comparison game, I am just so frustrated when I hear on the news how so and so gets further in life in some way and yet we know (do I really?) that there is no Jesus in their lives. But then you remind me of the end. You will make all the wrongs right and things will be as intended in the first place. Oh Father that really excites me and causes me to pause as well.
I have to realize that in me is no good thing except you! Therefore there have been things that I have done wrong that need to be made right. He will not just fix all the injustices, but the very things that I have done wrong as well. I truly believe this.
Ps. 146:9 "...He frustrates the ways of the wicked." Oh praise you Jesus! I have come to realize - another realize, this is good - that there is so much more going on in this world that i can't see or hear or even imagine. Lord Jesus is alive and active and working. He is frustrating the plans of the wicked in ways that I can not see. It may look like to me that they are winning and succeeding, but for example; I know the Lord is putting deep in their heart a burning desire to know Him. They may not recognize it and may seek to fill that desire in so many different ways, but it is there. And because nothing they ever do will fill that hole except my Jesus - that can be frustrating! Their plans that are seen may not be "frustrated", but their lives and thoughts and things unseen by me He could be frustrating!
This particular passage is talking about non-believers. The word wicked is translated "godless, evil, etc." Oh Lord Jesus - draw them close. Lord allows us to see an amazing turn around in some one's life in my lifetime. What if it were a "famous" abortionist? What if it were Tom Cruise? What if it were the dictator in China? What if it were Bill Gates? I am not saying all those people are wicked, please Jesus, don't let me place judgement other than the Micah 6:8 judgement you call us to. I just think and would love to see someone in those realms or leagues of power come to know you as Savior. How would that look and what could they do for you then? Oh Lord - draw them in and "unfrustrate" their hearts. Fill their hole and be their peace!
Jesus - you are it and amazing!! I love you so!! Thank you for everything and for being my GOd! You are measureless!
Hey Girl..
I've often felt the same things you expressed in this note...Psalm 73 spoke volumes to me on the subject and reminded me that God is my portion...
Have a great day my friend! August is coming! :))
Oh yes sister!! that is an incredible chapter as well. SO glad someone understands where I am coming from!! Have an awesome day and thanks for stopping by!!
Go Target - hee hee
This is a great reminder! Even though it sometimes seems like the world is out of control and God is nowhere to be found, He is VERY much in control of everything and knows exactly what is going on! He has the power, friend, and it is evident in your life! Keep influencing others for Him.
Glad you are getting adjusted...and glad you are back on the blog scene! It hasn't been the same without you. :)
P.S. Yes, this is the prayer retreat with Bonita. She is doing an extra one for our SS class. I can't wait to get alone with Him!
Yes girl I know what you mean about sitting in "judgement" of those that just don't get it, but we must tread lightly there because there's things I sure don't "get" too!! Thanks for this reminder today.
Wish I was there to help you get moved. Don't forget where to get the "good" boxes!!! hahaha
See ya.
Hey Val - you are on the money and thanks for that reminder too. I know on very certains days the only difference between me and any other - even the wicked - is Jesus within me. I love you girl!! press on! Love, Leigh
Lisa - you better bring a rope to tie you down on the retreat... you are going to be so ready to fly away with your groom - Jesus!! It will be incredible!!
Love you!
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