Lord Jesus - woke up this morning with team on my heart. I am in love with the book of Nehemiah - building up the body of Christ and not just the ones that you like or are surrounded by. I have so many visions for churches working together and for - even harder - ministries working together! It is such a passion of mine. I guess I have seen an experienced too often a church not wanting to partner with another or a ministry only wanting to do this or that with someone else if they have a big hand in it or have much potential for visibility. Maybe I am a dreamer and these things will never happen. Some things about me and my thoughts, hopes, and dreams I know keep me from various venues and experiences. But i know it is about Him and not me or any name!!
I remember this girl I had the privilege of ministering with at one time named Micca Campbell. I was not at this point in ministry when we had this very conversation. She very gently explained to my very inexperienced heart that it had to be about Him all the time and in everything - not our name and not even a ministry name - about Him. We could not promote ourselves even in the slightest way. She was very patient in her words and just eloquently showed me my errs. Micca has been given huge opportunities - Kay Arthur has recently endorsed her new book - and I know it is because of her pure and patient heart. A heart of gold this lady has and one that I want to emulate!! Beautiful person - Godly woman!
SO this morning I want to lift up 2 team members - no, not members of STMM - even though they would be so welcomed - that are going off this weekend to do the thing God has called them to! Leslie Nease and Lisa Whittle! http://www.potentialunlimited.com/ (Survivor friend) and http://www.lisawhittle.com/ (friend from Charlotte) Leslie will actually be speaking and Lisa is going to a retreat to be rejuvenated before she has a big April!
Lord, these are 2 of my dear friends that You have chosen to bless and use in mighty ways. I pray that you infuse them with Your power and wisdom to convey a message that will leave no heart the same. Oh Lord I pray for these 2 that are so strong and courageous. I pray that no fear will have any power over them, but You will be their strength. Lord, I pray you speak just the right words through them at all times - in speaking times, but after as well. Give them the Eph 6:19 boldness to explain Your mysteries!!
Lord, give them joy as they travel, joy as they minister, joy as they sleep , and joy as they leave. Lord, I know with joy - the Joy of Jesus - many things can be overcome and conquered!! Praise you Father! Bless my friends and ministry partners - thank you for allowing us to be on the same Team!! Your Team!! Lift them up, protect them, guide their families as they are gone and bring them back safely!! Oh Lord - you are incredible!! I love you!
Will you join me in praying for 2 "team" members? Thank you!!
Yes! I will pray for them!!! This is a great thing....everyone coming together for His name's sake!! I love it!!! Praying along with you!!
Leah, you're so sweet to say such kind things about me. Yes, in ministry there is only on star and his name is Jesus Christ! Our job is to make him famous. one way we do that is by supporting one another like you've done today. I have prayed for your Leslie and Lisa--whom I know and love, too!
blessings friend,
Absolutely! Praying for Lisa and Leslie.
Blessings in Christ-
Oh Leigh, I will pray too. You are so giving in all you do. I am praying for all three of you.
I came by to read what I have missed from your blog since Thursday of last week when I left for the retreat, and I was so humbled and blessed to read this post! Wow. I had no idea you were asking ladies to pray for me at the very moment that I was meeting with God! How very awesome! You have blessed me beyond measure for your love and grace and conviction to join hands and journey together. I am with you, sister, and I love you!
lisa - ditto HWPW.
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