Monday, January 26, 2009

681 - Don't Tickle Me

Dear Father - There is a lot on my heart today and yet there are so many things that I need to be doing.  Nothing that should surpass my time with you today, but still so many things to do!  It is a little hard for me to focus this morning.  

I have been at 2 locations in my quiet time this morning.  Luke 15 with prodigal son and the famine that the Lord brought the whole country.  Could it be that He brought the whole country famine so that one guy would realize his need for the "father"?  God can do things like that certainly.  The famine may not have been the sole purpose for one guy, but it could have been - HE loves us each individually that much!!  But what I kept thinking in this story was that there are times that God will bring a famine so that an appropriate hunger will come!!!  

The other place I have camped out was in 2 Tim. 4:3-5  "3For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry."

I know what I am thinking, feeling, and even being led by the Spirit to say will not be popular to many.  But this has been on my mind for some time.  After reading this scripture today and after much, much prayer I must speak out to all 10 of you that read this blog.  

All over the WWW i am seeing more and more and more conferences that are getting bigger and bigger and bigger.  Even churches these days are getting bigger and bigger!  But I think one might conclude that we as a people are getting more and more shallow spiritually.  One indication to that IN MY OPINION is by the president we as a country just put in office.  On his first week in office he has done major abortion changes that I know the Lord will not bless.  And yet we as a country - even if you personally did not vote for him - put him into office.  I know our pocketbooks are hurting and we want that kind of change, but there were major moral things Obama was very clear about that go against the very core of our Savior and we as a country, the whole country, will be held accountable.  Again, IN MY OPINION.  

I think another indication that we as a people are getting more and more shallow is the kind of preaching we hear and the kinds of conference "they" are creating for us.  There has to be a fashion show, there has to be a big spread of food, there has to be a meet and greet with the "show stopper", there has to be tons of resources offered to make sales big, etc.  It seems like even though the hearts are probably good and the intentions are well meaning, we are creating a society of Christians that can not worship on their own and can not "survive" without a conference that has more than just some good preaching from the Word.  

Everyday it becomes more and more clear to me one of the reasons God has called me to Southern Illinois is to have more of Him.  There are days that I long for the big church to worship in.  There are days that i feel so left out because I am too far from Atlanta to go to things, to far from Houston to go to conferences, too far from Nashville to get away............. I feel very left out.  But when those things have been taken away from me I see that while yes I was worshipping the Lord in those avenues, it was more about worshipping a feeling that I got from those experiences.  Like i was saying - the intentions are good of those that are creating all these big experiences, but I can see that at least for me those kinds of things made me want more of an experience than want more of Him.  I was thinking that I wanted more of Him, but when it gets down to the heart of the matter I was wanting more of that stuff and feelings.  

It seems to me that the ears are still needing to be tickled to get people in the door.  I am shocked how often people will have speakers to their church that can tell them what looks good on their bodies as far as colors and clothes.  I do know that there has to be a starting point to possibly get the lost in the door, but at the same time why is Jesus not enough?  Of course the non-Christian does not know He is enough yet, but our actions as believers are telling them He is not enough either by all this shallow inventions.  Yes, yes, yes God can still and will bring good out of it, but I have to wonder if we are not slowly doing ourselves in by this tickling of the ears - even with good intentions!  A Christian Bible teacher and hero in the faith told me it was all cotton candy Christianity and we as a nation are paying and will pay more for it!!  We have really come to a point of walking a very fine line and this one thinks we may have step over and gone too far.  I agree.  

Oh Lord - help me to not be caught up in the mess of candy.  I want to be one that delivers sound doctrine.  I want to be one that fills others with the Truth even when it is not popular.  I know this is what my heart cry is.  Lord, help me to know your will.  Help my head to know I am doing as You would have me to do.  Lord, help me to feel your validation and completeness.  Yes, the big stuff has such a lure and such an excitement and offers such a validation that is surreal and not of you at times - who wouldn't want to be part of it.  But Father if I am not offering sound doctrine and I am adding to the problem i see of believers not being to worship you in the darkness or "aloneness" without the masses......... or we can not study the Word without a book to read or a video to watch or a ipod to listen to or.......Lord as scary as this may be to say - don't let me be part....  Direct my paths and keep me accountable.  Lord, oh Lord, give me a mentor!!!  Jesus, my heart longs for you - all alone and with no big production to go to!!  I want you!!!  I love you!!!  


Teresa said...

One of the most thought provoking post I've read lately...and one I won't soon forget...I have felt for some time now that He was calling us back to an "Eden" relationship...which I long for...but so many times the "people person" in me longs to jump up and run to the nearest conference...So the question you've placed on my heart is..."Will I let go of the "good" for His "best"?

love you my friend!

Anonymous said...

Amen, Leah!

Bless your heart for having the courage to say these things...I agree with you.

Keep standing strong in the faith! You are a blessing!


Sarah Martin said...

This is why I just love what you all are doing with STMM. AMEN Sister!

Joyful said...

Jesus IS enough! He is more than we'll ever need.

We have a ladies event at our church this Saturday. It consists of 2 one-hour sessions with our speaker from Georgia and some worship music led by some of our own praise team. We have no extra's. God's Word alone. I think the reality is that people come to an event like this, or to church because it offers something different. They can attend a fashion show somewhere else...but they come into a church because they are seeking for something they do not have and haven't found elsewhere. They come expecting and hoping to find something...Someone...they haven't found before. Let's not make Him hard to find.

Great post Leigh.
Love & prayers,

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Ladies - thank you for your words and encouragement. As i kind of expected - and it could have no relationship at all, but I doubt it - I did lose a few "followers" of the blog today. I spoke, well actually wrote, my heart today and I knew some would not agree. It really is ok because I know HE heard and whispered
sweet-ums in my ear!! I bow before Him humbled and encouraged. Let's all keep pressing on and doing what He has called us to do! Please keep me accountable to the Word!!! So good to hear from you all - especially those that only have dial-up. I miss you greatly. Love, Leigh

Lisa Price said...

Leigh I was just thinking of those pictures from your girls Bible Study and the joy on their faces, that has to be worth more than a 100 conferences! I definitely think God sees each moment of our lives in teaching the word with others as a huge conference. I mean just think about it as one is saved the multitudes in Heaven CHEER! I love you girl Lisa

Leah Adams said...


I agree that we, as a nation, are going down a very perilous path. Yes, we have elected a President that says he is a Christian and I can do nothing other than believe him, yet there is little fruit to provide the evidence to back up his words.

I believe, though, that there is a hunger among the body of Christ that is unprecedented in this age--a hunger for the Word and for more of Him. At this point, I cannot be all gloom and doom because I see that hunger among the ladies in my Tuesday morning Bible study and have to believe that we are not an isolated group. I see a hunger among the ladies to whom I have the privilege to speak and serve.

The things that are happening in our world were predicted hundreds of thousands of years ago, yet Christ always has a believing, seeking remnant and that is what we are in this generation.

I will pray for our president, even though I did not vote for him. I know that he is not in that office without the permission of the Father and so I trust the Father to bring about circumstances that bring Christ glory. Look up!! Your redemption draweth nigh, dear sister!


Anonymous said...

I love your reference to the mess of candy. That's exactly what it is. I too, am surrounded by those who want only enough to be popular and pleasing to their ears. Not the real nuts and bolts, no matter how much it hurts. I enjoyed and rejoiced in your post from Tennessee

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled upon your blog today and must say I will definately be back! I totally agree! It's sad but so true. Don't be discouraged and keep doing (and blogging) what is obviously the LORD speaking! Thanks for opening your heart! GOD bless!

Michelle in TN