Tuesday, January 09, 2007

216 - Where Did all the Leadership Go?

Good morning Lord Jesus, up and at 'em. Today we are going to hang tight and get some laundry done and just relax. I need to clean my house at least the bathrooms - for the first time. Still not something i am excited about. At least we can clean this house all in one day. Ha. Lord, we are still trusting you to bring us a buyer with an offer. Please move in that area. It would be so nice to have that part taken care of. Please Lord.

Today we have moved on a bit in my study and are looking at the sons that Eli had. Now when i found out more information about them it really makes me be more amazed that Hannah would leave her only child with such a man. Yes, Eli loved the Lord and would do everything possible to see that Samuel did too, but something happen in the raising of his own 2 boys. They were terrible and had no regard for the Lord. They took prostitutes from the temple and took advantage of people trying to worship. Due to their "leadership" alone, the Lord did not show up much according to chapter 3 of 1 Samuel.

So why would any one leave their precious child with someone that didn't even have good children to begin with? I really want to know where was Eli's wife, the momma of these boys, in all this? What happens when leadership goes bad?

I have been in that situation and i know i have probably been that for someone - the leadership that has disappointed i mean. I remember hearing one in leadership talk so rudely about another member and as i got closer to this person seeing that their life did not add up to a life devoted to the service of Christ. I was exposed to this very early in my life and it left a mark. Sometimes those marks in our lives are there simply to serve as reminders.

I want to quickly add that I know i have been the one to lead others astray because of my words or actions. There are times no matter what you do it will be misconstrued or misinterpreted. That is life. But at the same time i know i have let others down by opening my mouth and saying things that should have never come out. I have been the one to make others question the service of the Lord and even caused one to stray from the Lord. I do not know of any exact examples, but i know me well enough to know it must have happened some. Lord Jesus, forgive me for those times and please do your awesome work to draw that person back to you regardless of my words and actions. It is terrible thing to happen, but please in Your mercy and grace allow that person to see another role model that has it better together and one more worthy of looking to for leadership. Train me Lord. Show me how to do things your way and seal my mouth in the process. Holy Spirit control every millimeter of me!

So what do we do when leadership has left the building? First of all we must know who we are to really seek to follow, our Lord Jesus. He will always be the one to look to and gain knowledge and direction from. But i must remember and understand what i think the Lord is saying to me this morning. Just because leadership moves away - just by location or in closes to the Lord (sin draws them away) it is no excuse for me to close up shop and put my Bible down. God does give us humans to lead us and give direction, etc., but when that leadership has failed we are not to give up or give up on church, etc. I see it way too often. Feelings get hurt in the church or so and so acts in a manner unbecoming of one in the ministry and people drop out by the hundreds. Instead of "griding up their loins" and really buckling down, they drop it all together. So in essence, the leadership has failed and you are upset about their misbehavior and judge them roughly. But for some reason we excuse ourselves from sin of neglect because our feelings have been hurt or our leadership pedal stool has been knocked down. It can't be. We must press on and look to the one that is perfect and One that will never disappoint. Jesus - Jesus - Jesus!!!

Lord, i love you. Thank you for your never wavering leadership and You constant perfection. You are amazing. Guide me. We all have people following us. I know i have 4 very important people in my life watching everything i do. Help me to be worthy of following - i am not sure that could ever happen. Just help me Lord to be honest in my life and with my life. I want to be real, but not lead others astray... I love you...

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