Wednesday, January 31, 2007

235 - Lots on My Heart

Lord Jesus - Good morning. Thank you for Clay getting home safely and for a restful night. The kids had practice, but I stayed home with the younger ones. It was great just sitting around watching American Idol and House. The shows come on 1 hour earlier here and that just really messes me up. The kids are up for AI and then It is hard to put them to bed properly before House gets going. I know silly!!!

I went yesterday to get my drivers license and you have to have all but your first born with you and take a test. Oh goodness. I didn't pass that thing the first time i took it in high school (no drivers training though), how will i pass it this time!

There are so many things on my heart that I want to do, but just don't know where to start or how to do them or even if I should embark. Father, I need You to speak clearly so that I can understand Your leading. Many of them have to do with women's ministry around here, but yet I don't have a church that I am solidly connected to just yet. Many of the things I am interested in are more global, but yet I feel like my feet need to be planted first. Lord, lead us in that area.

I studied Saul again and his jealousy. I Sam. 18:17-30. This is where he was trying to play as a distraction to David and hopefully get him killed. He even got one of his daughters to marry him, luckily she was in love with him, thinking that the Philistines would want to kill him more if he was the king's son in law. The scripture does not say much about David. I would love to hear his thoughts about a mad man chasing him around and all he was dealing with. It really just concentrates on the irrationality of Saul and how jealousy totally consumes him and eventually destroys him. Again and again it states that the Lord was with David. Lord be very evident in my life as to appear different and of course act differently.

Father, You are so holy and are made to worship. So as i close out my time and am about to begin a new day, I pray that I can worship You all day. Lord, I want to live by Your leadings and complete the calling You have on my life. I want to make Your name famous and somehow forget all my desires. I want the world to know what a changed life You have given me and how Your peace is better than a million dollars. I don't know what a million dollars is like, but I know You would be better. Lord Jesus, even if I don't cry out about Your faithfulness and righteousness, the rocks will. Lord, may I be one that You can trust in and remain faithful. Lord, as i train my kids allow them to know You, I mean really know You. I want to do better at being with them when i am there. I know You never even turn to glance in another direction when I am praying. I have Your full attention and I want to give that to my kids more often. Make my encouragements to Clay what he needs and for Your glory. May I learn to do things that bring You honor and me nothing. May i be happy for those that are doing different things than me and truly understand it is bringing others closer to You! I want to see Your plans, but more than anything I want to see Your glory!!! Fill me now and allow me to live in You! I love you!!

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