Thursday, July 05, 2007

387 - In His Hands

Lord Jesus - thank you for the safe traveling yesterday. We had a good time seeing family and visiting with everyone. It has been a tradition for years in getting together with the Gray's on the 4th. We had a good time. Thank you.

As I lied face down before You this morning I asked you to bring me more opportunities for ministry. I have never sensed a "NO", but what I do sense is "more to come". I believe the Holy Spirit is stirring in my heart something that is going to be brewing for a while. I believe the Lord has something a tad bigger in the works, but in my mind, much time must pass. This Fall 3 of the 4 little toe heads of mine will go to real school. Yes, I am excited, but sad at the same time. I have Elleigh at home with me for 2 more years. I know that is my priority and joy. I feel like there is more ministry for me to come, but my household must be set and in order. I believe that includes Elleigh in school.

So why do I say all this - I am ready to GO! I am ready to do some bigger things and am ready to receive more spiritual insight from Him. I am ready to work on what I love and I am ready to see much fruit and of course bear much fruit. I am ready to respond to His call and I am ready to say yes. But as for today and I think 2 more years - there has been a yield sign placed in front of me that I must obey. Or it may not be even something that I am to obey like a sign that says slow down, but God has placed it in front of the angel that delivers the blessings to everyone. I am kind of thinking cartoonish, but just go with me. He has said to His angels - I have many things for this girl to receive, but for now let's hold off for a bit. She has much learning and maturing to do before I can give her into the Promised Land. Wet her feet, allowed her to taste, make sure she knows more is to come, but WAIT. Hold off until I AM ready!

This morning in my Believing God study by Beth Moore, God answered all my requests about ministry in this one day, "By Faith Abraham". We were in the Hall of Faith chapter in Hebrews, 11. More than anything I see that when God said, "Go", there was no hesitation. He went! He didn't even know where God may be going, but he always left the comfortable. He left the land of family and friends and usual stuff for an alien land except he was the alien. Beth Moore called it the Later Syndrome - Go and I will show you and tell you later. It is the deal where you know God is telling you something, but you don't know why or even how. But with all the faith you can muster up you go or you do or you try.......................... Later Syndrome says I will explain later. God has that right to explain later or show us later. We never have that right to put off or explain our actions later. He says jump - we say yes sir and do it.!! Faith - present and active, not later!

"Time is often where He tempers and tests us so that premature births of ministries don't result in lifelong handicaps. God created time and never wastes it. We alone waste when our impatience to receive our earthly inheritance hinders our preparation to know what to with it", Beth Moore. Lord, help me not to waste any time. Help me not to seek understanding as much as just to say yes and go! Thank you for confirming over and over my call into speaking! That is something I am no longer doubting. Thank you! Gal. 4:1-2 - as a child you release me to do more of Your work when it is time. I am excited, you know my hand is waved and I am screaming "pick me, pick me", but You know best. I will be honored to speak at MOPS groups, I will be honored to lead weekend retreats or speak at dinners, etc. I will be honored to be consistent in my quiet time, and I will be honored and privileged to take care of my babies!! Father - when you see fit to place me in the passenger side of the ministry car, I am ready, but until then thank you! Thank you that I can wait and learn. I can mature and grow. I can watch and see. I can just be still and know -!!!!!!!!!!! Father - you are a blast and I love you!! You need not do another thing for me!!!!!!!! You are more than enough! I love you!


Deborah said...

as always I love to read what you have written, amen to bigger ministry for you I really see the doors opening for you on all levels. love always me

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

I do think God has big things planned for you! But from my perspective HE IS doing big things through you! I understand about the whole thing about what comes after they are all in school. The other day I thought the same thing.....even though I still have a ways to go! Have a great day!

Holli said...

Your enthusiasim for the Lord and your exubrance is so contagious!
Thanks for perking me up today!

Sharon Brumfield said...

The big WAIT. I am reminded of Joseph who was ready to get out of prison and he told the cup bearer to "remember" him. God said, No and he spent two more years I believe in jail waiting on God's timing.
I sense the plans God has for me. I have what I think is a small picture of my future. Part of me says, WHEN---but the other half says, I'm not ready enough yet.
Joseph thought he was ready for the big plans but God was not going to be rushed. So, I will wait.
When the baby is ready God will bring on the labor pains.
Just my ramblings.

Karen Hossink said...

Ahhh, yes! It will be best when He is ready...When He knows WE are ready!
Just the other day I was praying about my desire to be an instrument He uses for His glory and I realized I can be that instrument with my kids just as much as I can be when I'm speaking to a room full of women. I want to be all for Him no matter what I'm doing or who I'm with!