Thursday, September 16, 2010

900 - Nine Hundredth Post - Shouldn't I do something...

Hey yall - nothing real spiritual here, but I updated my calendar...  If you will go here you can see where I will be and how we can meet up!!!!  I love to meet up with people along the way!!!

So, any questions you have since it is my 900th post?  Whatever it is - I will answer....

If you ask a question and I can answer it I will put you in a drawing............. for what - not sure yet!!

Ask away and let me know when we can meet up!!

Much love, Leigh


Anonymous said...

No questions. Just stopped by and wanted you to know! 900 posts?!? That's awesome!

Love and blessings, friend!

Anonymous said...

Might you be coming to Canada sometime? Would love to hear you share God's word!


Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

THanks Dori - did you hear we are bringing an infant in from Liberia to have surgery. Never dreamed in my wildest dreams God would ask us to do that!!! She is coming to Vandy. I hope you can go visit her!!!

Roxanne - find me a church and I will be there!!! International speaking is what I love!! I used to live right outside Cornwall Canada!! Not too far from Toronto!! Let me know who I can contact and I will be on my way...........if they will have me!

Much love, Leigh

Melissa said...

My question is this: When are you coming to New Jersey? :)

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

COming to New Jersey............ I was so close last year!!! Let's pray and see what we can do about that!!! Can not wait!!! to see what HE unfolds!!! Much love, Leigh