Friday, September 28, 2007

443 - We ain't NO good!

Lord Jesus - I want to thank you and praise you for yesterday. I had this small thing hurt my feelings and called one of a few friends to "help" me through. Wow - "the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avail much" according to James - and did I see that yesterday. How awesome. Thank you my friends for going to the Father for me and encouraging me with your prayers, words, encouragements, etc. May I get the opportunity to do that same for you some day soon! The spiritual warfare was in high force yesterday and for a brief moment I had forgotten why.... duh, I was speaking that evening. Last night at the end of my message the Lord Jesus knocked on a young lady's heart and she said to Him, "Come on in, please! Do some housework and make me beautiful." It was wonderful! That is worth it all. How wonderful that group was. They had worked so hard at making their group meeting a success and did not have as many as they wanted, but even so it was a powerful evening!! Bless them and welcome to the family, my new sister!! To Your glory alone Father!

Yesterday my friend Hollly asked a question. It was a very interesting question and so I investigated. In John 2:24, "But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men." We were wondering if "not entrusting himself" to them meant he would not make idols of them. So I looked up entrust and it means - "pisteuo" - to believe in, have faith in, trust, have confidence in. My first thought was well, why would He not entrust himself to us - or believe in us or have confidence in us - Verse 25 explains that - "He did not need man's testimony about man, for He knew what was in man." Wow - now that is some good stuff.

Let's not kid ourselves, no matter how good we think we are or how good we think we have become it is only by His grace that we have not done the worst of sins, if you will. That verse above says that God knows what is really "in" a man - and also, He doesn't need to hear our testimony about how good we have become because He really knows. Ouch, kind of steps on my toes. Just when you think you are getting it all together and still could be making some head way in the right direction, the Lord "knows". That particular word means - "ginosko" - to know, come to know, experience.

Jesus, you have known me for longer than the moment i was conceived. You have come to know me as my days have passed and have truly experienced me. You know the real me. So you know not to ever make an idol of me or any man as this passage above explains. Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" As sweet as I try to be from time to time, You still know the real me and know that my heart has much evil and deceit according to your Word - Your Word that is absolute truth. Lord Jesus as we talked about yesterday, You would never take the time or energy to attach yourself to the ungodly. Only you are perfect and Godly. That is the whole reason for the Cross. I could have never and will never do enough good for you to want to attach yourself to me or entrust yourself to me because you KNOW me. I am not feeling some kind of self-loathing as I say that - I am feeling great praise, mercy, grace. It is only because of what you did on the Cross and the blood shed that enables you to see me clearly and with great love. Only by your grace and mercy can I enter into a relationship with you that rocks!! Father, frankly, you rock!!! I love you so!! I am in love with you!!! I am just tickled pink that You love me!! You don't have to because there is nothing about me that deserves it or could win your love - you just do!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Lord Jesus, may my actions and reactions cause you great joy today. May my life be as worship to you!! I love you, Lord.

I am going to my high school Homecoming today. I hope I will get to see some teachers and stuff. I am so excited to go back with all my kids and handsome hubby. Have a wonderful weekend!!


Patty said...

Great word my friend! Praise God for our new sister in Christ!! That will get you to shouting!! Have a great time at your high school reunion!! We will of course need a full report on that. :o)

Fran said...

Great post leigh.! Another sister in Christ. That is why you do what you them up but also bring 'em on! :)

I hope Homecoming weekend is a blast!! Let us know how it goes.

Much love siesta!

ocean mommy said...

Praise Him for a new sister!

That is just awesome.

It sure is good to be reading your posts again!!


AbbyLane said...

your blog makes my heart smile. every time. :)
hope you're doing great!! i miss all of you being in nashville--just to know we were all in the same town was enough!!

Karen Hossink said...

So glad the speaking went well!
Sometimes I think about who I am and I say to God, Father, I don't know why You love me, but I am so glad You do! His love is amazing and I am forever grateful.
BTW, I will get around to sending that speaker info...busy days right now...

Praise and Coffee said...

Great word girlfriend!
Hope you had fun at the Homecoming!


AbbyLane said...

hope your homecoming was great!! lots of those going on these days...(football season..i forget..haha)

ps...i'm thinking i need one of those bags when i get some money...i'll keep you posted ;)